This document provides a minimal MEI customization in order to define a very basic subset of elements with appropriate restrictions for basic use cases. For general information about MEI, please refer to the MEI Guidelines. Please note however, that this customization builds on the development branch of the MEI project, which is more advanced than the current release. Each restriction is implemented using the TEI ODD specification language, and documented in the prose section of this document, including examples (what is valid) and counter-examples (what is invalid).
The Specifications section lists every element available in the customization and can be used as a technical reference.
This basic customization only adopts following modules:
xml:id is mandatory on all elements, n is mandatory on:
Time signature must be expressed in a <meterSig/> child element of <staffDef>.
To define a time signature, the customization uses unit and count on <meterSig/>. They must occur together:
Attributes for encoding time signatures on <scoreDef> and <staffDef> are excluded from the schema.
Key signature must be expressed in a <keySig> child element of <staffDef> at this stage of development.
To define a key signature, the customization uses the pname, accid and mode attributes of <keySig>. pname and mode must occur together, accid is optional.
Attributes for encoding key signatures on <scoreDef> and <staffDef> are excluded from the schema.
Clefs must be expressed using the <clef/> element.
To define a clef, the customization uses shape and line, which must occur together.
Attributes for encoding clefs on <scoreDef> and <staffDef> are excluded from the schema.
This section describes restrictions to timed events on staves, such as notes or rests.
Notes must either have an octave and a pitch name or a loc attribute. Stem direction remains optional, but is recommended. Notes within chords must not express stem information and duration
This is a typical note:
The gestural duration attribute dur.ges is excluded in this customization. In addition, the specification of the dur and stem.dir attributes on events is more tightly controlled than it is in mei_all, as described in the following sections.
Notes must always have a duration (dur) and a stem direction (stem.dir) except when they are part of a chord.
Duration and stem direction on chords must be expressed on the <chord> element. The constituent <note> elements are not allowed to express duration or stem direction.
Start and end point of <hairpin/> elements must be expressed using tstamp and tstamp2 respectively. startid and endid attributes are currently disabled on hairpins.
In this customization, slurs and ties are always encoded as elements.
Since slurs almost always connect notes with other notes, their start and end points can nearly always be expressed using the startid and endid attributes. Only exceptions are ‘partial’ slurs, such as the ones at the boundary of <ending> elements. Such slurs need to be encoded using the tstamp or tstamp2 attributes. When the inclompete slur starts at the barline, @tstamp="0"
is used, when the slur is incomplete at its end point, @tstamp2="0m+n"
is applied (where n is the meter.count of the current measure plus one: 5 in 4/4, 3 in 2/4 etc. see 4.1.5 Timestamps and Durations of the MEI Guidelines). Additionally, all partial slurs have to be supplied with a curvedir attribute indicating the direction of the slur (values: above or below).
On the other hand, tstamps are not always enough to describe start and end point of slurs (think of a slur in the upper voice, while the lower voice has no slur), therefore we must allow the use of both startid/endid and tstamp/tstamp2. Since it is simply impractical to assert in which situation which encoding is expected, no asserted restrictions apply for using combinations of these attributes to describe start and end points of slurs, however, it is required that when tstamps are used, the tstamp has to be unambiguously resolved to a single note or chord event.
A typical slur:
A partial slur within a 2nd ending:
<accessRestrict> (access restriction) – Describes the conditions that affect the accessibility of material. | |
Module | MEI.header — Specifications |
Attributes | att.common (@n) (att.commonPart (@label, @xml:base) ( (@xml:id)) ) |
Member of | |
Contained by | MEI.header: availability |
May contain | |
Declaration | element accessRestrict { tido_att.common.attributes, ( text | )* } |
Note | May indicate the nature of restrictions or the lack of restrictions. Do not confuse this element with <useRestrict> (usage restrictions), which captures information about limitations on the use of material, such as those afforded by copyright. |
Note | This element is modelled on an element in the Encoded Archival Description (EAD) standard. |
<accid/> (accidental) – Records a temporary alteration to the pitch of a note. | |
Module | MEI.shared — Specifications |
Attributes | att.common (@n) (att.commonPart (@label, @xml:base) ( (@xml:id)) ) att.accid.log (@func) (att.accidental (@accid)) (att.controlevent (att.staffident.req (@staff)) (att.timestamp.musical (@tstamp)) (att.layerident (@layer)) ) |
Member of | |
Contained by | MEI.shared: note |
May contain | Empty element |
Declaration | element accid { tido_att.common.attributes, tido_att.accid.log.attributes, empty } |
Note | An accidental may raise a pitch by one or two semitones or it may cancel a previous accidental or part of a key signature. This element provides an alternative to the accid and accid.ges attributes on the <note> element. The element may be used when specific display info, such as size or color, needs to be recorded for the accidental or when multiple accidentals occur on a single note. The func attribute can be used to differentiate between the accidental's functions, such as 'cautionary' or 'editorial'. |
<acqSource> (acquisition source) – Post-publication source, such as a vendor or distributor, from which access to a bibliographic item may be obtained, including electronic access. | |
Module | MEI.header — Specifications |
Attributes | att.common (@n) (att.commonPart (@label, @xml:base) ( (@xml:id)) ) |
Member of | |
Contained by | MEI.header: availability |
May contain | |
Declaration | element acqSource { tido_att.common.attributes, ( text | )* } |
Note | This element is modelled on an element in the Encoded Archival Description (EAD) standard. |
<addrLine> (address line) – Single line of a postal address. | |
Module | MEI.shared — Specifications |
Attributes | att.common (@n) (att.commonPart (@label, @xml:base) ( (@xml:id)) ) |
Contained by | MEI.shared: address |
May contain | |
Declaration | element addrLine { tido_att.common.attributes, ( text | model.textphraseLike | model.editLike | model.transcriptionLike )* } |
Note | <addrLine> may be repeated as many times as necessary to enter all lines of an address. |
Note | This element is modelled on an element in the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) and Encoded Archival Description (EAD) standards. |
<address> Contains a postal address, for example of a publisher, an organization, or an individual. | |
Module | MEI.shared — Specifications |
Attributes | att.common (@n) (att.commonPart (@label, @xml:base) ( (@xml:id)) ) |
Member of | |
Contained by | MEI.header: accessRestrict acqSource audience byline captureMode carrierForm condition contentItem context dimensions exhibHist hand inscription language otherChar perfDuration physMedium plateNum playingSpeed price provenance pubStmt soundChan specRepro sysReq term trackConfig treatHist treatSched useRestrict watermark MEI.namesdates: corpName geogName periodName persName styleName MEI.ptrref: ref |
May contain | MEI.shared: addrLine |
Declaration | element address { tido_att.common.attributes, addrLine+ } |
Note | This element is modelled on an element in the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) and Encoded Archival Description (EAD) standards. |
<altId> (alternative identifier) – May contain a bibliographic identifier that does not fit within the meiHead element's id attribute, for example because the identifier does not fit the definition of an XML id or because multiple identifiers are needed. | |
Module | MEI.header — Specifications |
Attributes | att.common (@n) (att.commonPart (@label, @xml:base) ( (@xml:id)) ) att.typed (@type, @subtype) |
Contained by | MEI.header: meiHead |
May contain | MEI.shared: rend |
Declaration | element altId { tido_att.common.attributes, tido_att.typed.attributes, ( text | model.lbLike | model.rendLike )* } |
Note | One or the other of <altId> or the id attribute on <mei> is required when applicable. |
<appInfo> (application information) – Groups information about applications which have acted upon the MEI file. | |
Module | MEI.header — Specifications |
Attributes | att.common (@n) (att.commonPart (@label, @xml:base) ( (@xml:id)) ) |
Member of | |
Contained by | MEI.header: encodingDesc |
May contain | MEI.header: application |
Declaration | element appInfo { tido_att.common.attributes, model.headLike*, application* } |
Note | This element is modelled on an element in the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) standard. |
<application> Provides information about an application which has acted upon the current document. | |||||||
Module | MEI.header — Specifications | ||||||
Attributes | att.common (@n) (att.commonPart (@label, @xml:base) ( (@xml:id)) ) att.typed (@type, @subtype)
| ||||||
Contained by | MEI.header: appInfo | ||||||
May contain | |||||||
Declaration | element application { tido_att.common.attributes, tido_att.typed.attributes, attribute version { xsd:NMTOKEN }?, name+, ( model.locrefLike* | model.pLike* ) } | ||||||
Note | This element is modelled on an element in the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) standard. |
<audience> Defines the class of user for which the work is intended, as defined by age group (e.g., children, young adults, adults, etc.), educational level (e.g., primary, secondary, etc.), or other categorization. | |
Module | MEI.header — Specifications |
Attributes | att.common (@n) (att.commonPart (@label, @xml:base) ( (@xml:id)) ) |
Contained by | MEI.header: work |
May contain | |
Declaration | element audience { tido_att.common.attributes, ( text | )* } |
<availability> Groups elements that describe the availability of and access to a bibliographic item, including an MEI-encoded document. | |
Module | MEI.header — Specifications |
Attributes | att.common (@n) (att.commonPart (@label, @xml:base) ( (@xml:id)) ) |
Member of | |
Contained by | MEI.header: pubStmt |
May contain | MEI.header: accessRestrict acqSource price sysReq useRestrict |
Declaration | element availability { tido_att.common.attributes, tido_macro.availabilityPart } |
Note | When used within the <fileDesc> element, <availability> indicates access to the MEI-encoded document itself. |
Note | This element is modelled on elements in the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) and Encoded Archival Description (EAD) standards. |
<beam> A container for a series of explicitly beamed events that begins and ends entirely within a measure. | |
Module | MEI.cmn — Specifications |
Attributes | att.common (@n) (att.commonPart (@label, @xml:base) ( (@xml:id)) ) |
Member of | |
Contained by | |
May contain | |
Declaration | element beam { tido_att.common.attributes, ( model.eventLike | model.appLike | model.editLike | model.transcriptionLike )* } |
Schematron |
<sch:rule context="mei:beam[not(@copyof)]">
<sch:assert test="count(descendant::*[local-name()='note' or local-name()='rest' or
local-name()='chord' or local-name()='space']) > 1">A beam without a copyof attribute must have at least 2 note, rest, chord, or space
descendants.</sch:assert></sch:rule> |
Note | For beams that cross the bar line, use the <beamSpan> element. Secondary beams may be broken explicitly using the breaksec attribute on the notes or chords under the beam. Automated beaming, as opposed to explicitly marked beams, may be indicated for an entire score, part or section by using the and beam.rests attributes on these elements. |
<body> Contains the whole of a single musical text, excluding any front or back matter. | |
Module | MEI.shared — Specifications |
Attributes | att.common (@n) (att.commonPart (@label, @xml:base) ( (@xml:id)) ) |
Member of | |
Contained by | MEI.shared: music |
May contain | MEI.shared: mdiv |
Declaration | element body { tido_att.common.attributes, model.mdivLike+ } |
Note | When the music can be broken into high-level, discrete, linear segments, such as movements of a symphony, there may be multiple <mdiv> elements within <body>. This is the highest level indication of the structure of the music. |
<byline> Contains the primary statement of responsibility given for a work on its title page. | |
Module | MEI.header — Specifications |
Attributes | att.common (@n) (att.commonPart (@label, @xml:base) ( (@xml:id)) ) |
Contained by | — |
May contain | |
Declaration | element byline { tido_att.common.attributes, ( text | | model.respLikePart )* } |
<captureMode> (capture mode) – The means used to record notation, sound, or images in the production of a source/manifestation (e.g., analogue, acoustic, electric, digital, optical etc.). | |
Module | MEI.header — Specifications |
Attributes | att.common (@n) (att.commonPart (@label, @xml:base) ( (@xml:id)) ) |
Member of | |
Contained by | MEI.header: physDesc |
May contain | |
Declaration | element captureMode { tido_att.common.attributes, ( text | )* } |
<carrierForm> (carrier form) – The specific class of material to which the physical carrier of the source/manifestation belongs (e.g., sound cassette, videodisc, microfilm cartridge, transparency, etc.). The carrier for a manifestation comprising multiple physical components may include more than one form (e.g., a filmstrip with an accompanying booklet, a separate sound disc carrying the sound track for a film, etc.). | |
Module | MEI.header — Specifications |
Attributes | att.common (@n) (att.commonPart (@label, @xml:base) ( (@xml:id)) ) |
Member of | |
Contained by | MEI.header: physDesc |
May contain | |
Declaration | element carrierForm { tido_att.common.attributes, ( text | )* } |
<change> Individual change within the revision description. | |
Module | MEI.header — Specifications |
Attributes | att.common (@n) (att.commonPart (@label, @xml:base) ( (@xml:id)) ) att.typed (@type, @subtype) |
Contained by | MEI.header: revisionDesc |
May contain | MEI.header: changeDesc MEI.shared: respStmt |
Declaration | element change { tido_att.common.attributes, tido_att.typed.attributes, respStmt?, tido_changeDesc, model.dateLike? } |
Schematron |
<sch:rule context="mei:change">
<sch:assert test="@isodate or mei:date">The date of the change must be recorded in an
isodate attribute or date element.</sch:assert>
<sch:assert test="@resp or mei:respStmt">The person responsible for the change must be
recorded in a resp attribute or respStmt element.</sch:assert></sch:rule> |
Note | Additions, deletions, and significant recoding should be noted, but not correction of minor typographical errors. It is recommended that revisions should be entered in reverse chronological order, with the most recent <change> first. The resp attribute contains a pointer to an element containing info about the person/entity responsible for change. The <edition> element can be used to designate an MEI encoding that has been so substantively changed that it constitutes a new version that supersedes earlier versions. |
Note | This element is modelled on an element in the Encoded Archival Description (EAD) standard. |
<changeDesc> (change description) – Description of a revision of the MEI file. | |
Module | MEI.header — Specifications |
Attributes | att.common (@n) (att.commonPart (@label, @xml:base) ( (@xml:id)) ) |
Contained by | MEI.header: change |
May contain | MEI.shared: p |
Declaration | element changeDesc { tido_att.common.attributes, model.pLike+ } |
<chord> A simultaneous sounding of two or more notes in the same layer *with the same duration*. | |
Module | MEI.shared — Specifications |
Attributes | att.common (@n) (att.commonPart (@label, @xml:base) ( (@xml:id)) ) att.chord.log (att.duration.musical.req (@dur)) (att.event (att.timestamp.musical (@tstamp)) (att.staffident (@staff)) (att.layerident (@layer)) ) (att.articulation (@artic)) (att.augmentdots (@dots)) (att.syltext (@syl)) att.chord.vis (@cluster) (att.stemdir.req (@stem.dir)) (att.typography (@fontfam, @fontname, @fontsize, @fontstyle, @fontweight)) |
Member of | |
Contained by | |
May contain | MEI.shared: note |
Declaration | element chord { tido_att.common.attributes, tido_att.chord.log.attributes, tido_att.chord.vis.attributes, ( note | artic | model.editLike | model.transcriptionLike )* } |
<classCode> (classification code) – Holds a citation to the source of controlled-vocabulary terms used in the <termList> element; for example, Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH), Library of Congress Classification (LCC), Library of Congress Name Authority File (LCNAF), or other thesaurus or ontology. | |
Module | MEI.header — Specifications |
Attributes | att.common (@n) (att.commonPart (@label, @xml:base) ( (@xml:id)) ) |
Contained by | MEI.header: classification |
May contain | MEI.shared: rend |
Declaration | element classCode { tido_att.common.attributes, ( text | model.lbLike | model.rendLike )* } |
Note | The citation may be provided in the authority attribute or, when additional markup is needed, as textual content of the element. |
Note | This element is modelled on an element in the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) standard. |
<classification> Groups information which describes the nature or topic of an entity. | |
Module | MEI.header — Specifications |
Attributes | att.common (@n) (att.commonPart (@label, @xml:base) ( (@xml:id)) ) |
Contained by | |
May contain | |
Declaration | element classification { tido_att.common.attributes, model.headLike*, ( classCode | termList )+ } |
Note | Although the use of names and terms from locally controlled vocabularies is possible, best practice suggests that terms should come from standard national or international vocabularies whenever they are available in order to enable searches in systems that include multiple MEI documents, or MEI documents and bibliographic records from many institutions. |
<clef/> Indication of the exact location of a particular note on the staff and, therefore, the other notes as well. | |
Module | MEI.shared — Specifications |
Attributes | att.common (@n) (att.commonPart (@label, @xml:base) ( (@xml:id)) ) att.event (att.timestamp.musical (@tstamp)) (att.staffident (@staff)) (att.layerident (@layer)) att.clef.log (@cautionary) (att.clefshape (@shape)) (att.lineloc (@line)) (att.octave (@oct)) |
Member of | |
Contained by | |
May contain | Empty element |
Declaration | element clef { tido_att.common.attributes, tido_att.event.attributes, tido_att.clef.log.attributes, empty } |
Schematron |
<sch:rule context="mei:clef[ancestor::mei:staffDef[@lines]]">
<sch:let name="thisstaff"
<sch:assert test="number(@line) <= number(ancestor::mei:staffDef[@n=$thisstaff
and @lines][1]/@lines)">The clef position must be less than or equal to the number of lines on the
staff.</sch:assert></sch:rule> |
Schematron |
<sch:rule context="mei:clef[ancestor::mei:staffDef[not(@lines)]]">
<sch:let name="thisstaff"
<sch:assert test="number(@line) <= number(preceding::mei:staffDef[@n=$thisstaff
and @lines][1]/@lines)">The clef position must be less than or equal to the number of lines on the
staff.</sch:assert></sch:rule> |
Note | This element can be used as an alternative to the <staff> element's clef.* attributes. It should be used when specific display info, such as size or color, needs to be recorded for the clef or when multiple, simultaneous clefs occur on a single staff. This element may also be used within the staff context to indicate changes of clef. |
<condition> The physical condition of an item, particularly any variances between the physical make-up of the item and that of other copies of the same item (e.g., missing pages or plates, brittleness, faded images, etc.). | |
Module | MEI.header — Specifications |
Attributes | att.common (@n) (att.commonPart (@label, @xml:base) ( (@xml:id)) ) |
Member of | |
Contained by | MEI.header: physDesc |
May contain | |
Declaration | element condition { tido_att.common.attributes, ( text | )* } |
Note | This element is modelled on an element in the Encoded Archival Description (EAD) standard. |
<contentItem> Contains a single entry within a content description element. | |
Module | MEI.header — Specifications |
Attributes | att.common (@n) (att.commonPart (@label, @xml:base) ( (@xml:id)) ) |
Contained by | MEI.header: contents |
May contain | |
Declaration | element contentItem { tido_att.common.attributes, ( text | model.textphraseLike | model.editLike | model.transcriptionLike )* } |
<contents> Description of the material contained within a resource. | |
Module | MEI.header — Specifications |
Attributes | att.common (@n) (att.commonPart (@label, @xml:base) ( (@xml:id)) ) |
Contained by | MEI.header: seriesStmt source work |
May contain | MEI.header: contentItem MEI.shared: p |
Declaration | element contents { tido_att.common.attributes, model.headLike*, ( model.pLike? | ( model.labelLike?, contentItem )+ ) } |
Example |
<p>A suitable tone ; Left hand colouring ; Rhythm and accent ; Tempo ;
Flexibility ; Ornaments</p>
Example |
<label>1.</label><contentItem>Sonata in D major, op. V, no. 1 /
<label>2.</label><contentItem>Sonata in G minor / Purcell (with Robert Donington,
<label>3.</label><contentItem>Forlane from Concert royal no. 3 /
Example |
<contents target=""/>
<context> The historical, social, intellectual, artistic, or other context within which the work was originally conceived (e.g., the 17th century restoration of the monarchy in England, the aesthetic movement of the late 19th century, etc.) or the historical, social, intellectual, artistic, or other context within which the expression was realized. | |
Module | MEI.header — Specifications |
Attributes | att.common (@n) (att.commonPart (@label, @xml:base) ( (@xml:id)) ) |
Contained by | MEI.header: work |
May contain | |
Declaration | element context { tido_att.common.attributes, ( text | )* } |
<corpName> (corporate name) – Identifies an organization or group of people that acts as a single entity. | |
Module | MEI.namesdates — Specifications |
Attributes | att.common (@n) (att.commonPart (@label, @xml:base) ( (@xml:id)) ) (@nymref, @role) att.typed (@type, @subtype) |
Member of | |
Contained by | MEI.header: accessRestrict acqSource audience byline captureMode carrierForm condition contentItem context dimensions exhibHist hand inscription language otherChar perfDuration physMedium plateNum playingSpeed price provenance soundChan specRepro sysReq term trackConfig treatHist treatSched useRestrict watermark MEI.namesdates: corpName geogName periodName persName styleName MEI.ptrref: ref |
May contain | |
Declaration | element corpName { tido_att.common.attributes,, tido_att.typed.attributes, ( text | model.textphraseLike | model.editLike | model.transcriptionLike )* } |
Note | Examples of corporate entities include names of associations, institutions, business firms, non-profit enterprises, governments, government agencies, projects, programs, religious bodies, churches, conferences, athletic contests, exhibitions, expeditions, fairs, and ships. Secondary name parts may be encoded in <corpName> sub-elements. The name of the list from which a controlled value is taken may be recorded using the authority attribute. |
Note | This element is modelled on an element in the Encoded Archival Description (EAD) standard. |
<correction> States how and under what circumstances corrections have been made in the text. | |||||||
Module | MEI.header — Specifications | ||||||
Attributes | att.common (@n) (att.commonPart (@label, @xml:base) ( (@xml:id)) ) att.regularmethod (@method)
| ||||||
Member of | |||||||
Contained by | MEI.header: editorialDecl | ||||||
May contain | MEI.shared: p | ||||||
Declaration | element correction { tido_att.common.attributes, tido_att.regularmethod.attributes, attribute corrlevel { text }?, model.pLike+ } | ||||||
Note | This element is modelled on an element in the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) standard. |
<dimensions> Information about the physical size of a bibliographic source; usually includes numerical data. | |
Module | MEI.header — Specifications |
Attributes | att.common (@n) (att.commonPart (@label, @xml:base) ( (@xml:id)) ) |
Member of | |
Contained by | MEI.header: physDesc |
May contain | |
Declaration | element dimensions { tido_att.common.attributes, ( text | | model.dimLike )* } |
Note | The elements <height>, <width>, and <depth> are available for circumstances that require the capture of the individual dimensions of an object. Do not confuse this element with the <extent> element, which is used to indicate the quantity of described materials. |
Note | This element is modelled on elements in the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) and Encoded Archival Description (EAD) standards. |
<dynam> (dynamic) – Indication of the volume of a note, phrase, or section of music. | |
Module | MEI.shared — Specifications |
Attributes | att.common (@n) (att.commonPart (@label, @xml:base) ( (@xml:id)) ) att.dynam.log (att.controlevent (att.staffident.req (@staff)) (att.timestamp.musical (@tstamp)) (att.layerident (@layer)) ) (att.augmentdots (@dots)) (att.startendid (@endid) (att.startid (@startid)) ) (att.timestamp2.musical (@tstamp2)) att.dynam.vis (att.placement (@place)) att.typed (@type, @subtype) |
Member of | |
Contained by | MEI.cmn: measure |
May contain | |
Declaration | element dynam { tido_att.common.attributes, tido_att.dynam.log.attributes, tido_att.dynam.vis.attributes, tido_att.typed.attributes, ( text | | model.editLike | model.transcriptionLike )* } |
Schematron |
<sch:rule context="mei:dynam">
<sch:assert test="@startid or @tstamp or @tstamp.ges or @tstamp.real"> Must have one of
the attributes: startid, tstamp, tstamp.ges or tstamp.real</sch:assert></sch:rule> |
Schematron |
<sch:rule context="mei:dynam[@val2]">
<sch:assert test="@dur or @dur.ges or @endid or @tstamp2">When @val2 is present, either
@dur, @dur.ges, @endid, or @tstamp2 must also be present.</sch:assert></sch:rule> |
Note | This element may be used for instantaneous or continuous textual dynamics, e.g. 'p', 'mf', or 'cresc. poco a poco'. The <hairpin> element should be used for graphical, i.e., crescendo and diminuendo, dynamic markings. The starting point of the dynamic marking may be indicated by either a startid, tstamp, tstamp.ges, or tstamp.real attribute, while the ending point may be recorded by either a dur, dur.ges, endid, or tstamp2 attribute. It is a semantic error not to specify a starting point attribute. MIDI values associated with the graphical dynamic sign may be recorded in the val and val2 attributes. |
<editionStmt> (edition statement) – Container for meta-data pertaining to a particular edition of the material being described. | |
Module | MEI.header — Specifications |
Attributes | att.common (@n) (att.commonPart (@label, @xml:base) ( (@xml:id)) ) |
Member of | |
Contained by | |
May contain | MEI.shared: respStmt |
Declaration | element editionStmt { tido_att.common.attributes, ( model.editionLike, respStmt* )+ } |
Note | This element is modelled on elements in the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) and Encoded Archival Description (EAD) standards. |
<editorialDecl> (editorial declaration) – Used to provide details of editorial principles and practices applied during the encoding of musical text. | |
Module | MEI.header — Specifications |
Attributes | att.common (@n) (att.commonPart (@label, @xml:base) ( (@xml:id)) ) |
Member of | |
Contained by | MEI.header: encodingDesc |
May contain | MEI.header: correction interpretation normalization segmentation stdVals MEI.shared: p |
Declaration | element editorialDecl { tido_att.common.attributes, model.headLike*, ( model.pLike+ | ( model.editorialDeclPart+, model.pLike* ) ) } |
Note | This element is modelled on an element in the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) standard. |
<encodingDesc> (encoding description) – Documents the relationship between an electronic file and the source or sources from which it was derived as well as applications used in the encoding/editing process. | |
Module | MEI.header — Specifications |
Attributes | att.common (@n) (att.commonPart (@label, @xml:base) ( (@xml:id)) ) |
Member of | |
Contained by | MEI.header: meiHead |
May contain | MEI.header: appInfo editorialDecl projectDesc samplingDecl |
Declaration | element encodingDesc { tido_att.common.attributes, tido_model.encodingPart_sequenceOptional } |
Note | This element is modelled on an element in the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) standard. |
<ending> Alternative ending for a repeated passage of music; i.e., prima volta, seconda volta, etc. | |
Module | MEI.shared — Specifications |
Attributes | att.common (@n) (att.commonPart (@label, @xml:base) ( (@xml:id)) ) att.ending.anlatt.ending.gesatt.ending.logatt.ending.visatt.typed (@type, @subtype) |
Member of | |
Contained by | |
May contain | |
Declaration | element ending { tido_att.common.attributes, tido_att.ending.anl.attributes, tido_att.ending.ges.attributes, tido_att.ending.log.attributes, tido_att.ending.vis.attributes, tido_att.typed.attributes, expansion*, ( model.appLike | model.divLike | | model.annotLike | model.graphicprimitiveLike | model.editLike | model.transcriptionLike | model.sectionPart )* } |
Note | The <scoreDef> element is allowed as a sub-element so that an ending may have its own meta-data without the overhead of child <section> elements. <div> sub-elements are not allowed within ending in order to avoid collisions with the brackets that are usually displayed over endings. Endings may *not* contain other ending elements. |
<exhibHist> (exhibition history) – A record of public exhibitions, including dates, venues, etc. | |
Module | MEI.header — Specifications |
Attributes | att.common (@n) (att.commonPart (@label, @xml:base) ( (@xml:id)) ) |
Member of | |
Contained by | MEI.header: physDesc |
May contain | |
Declaration | element exhibHist { tido_att.common.attributes, ( text | )* } |
Note | This element is modelled on an element in the Encoded Archival Description (EAD) standard. |
<fileChar> (file characteristics) – Standards or schemes used to encode the file (e.g., ASCII, SGML, etc.), physical characteristics of the file (e.g., recording density, parity, blocking, etc.), and other characteristics that have a bearing on how the file can be processed. | |
Module | MEI.header — Specifications |
Attributes | att.common (@n) (att.commonPart (@label, @xml:base) ( (@xml:id)) ) |
Member of | |
Contained by | MEI.header: physDesc |
May contain | Character data only |
Declaration | element fileChar { tido_att.common.attributes, text } |
<fileDesc> (file description) – Contains a full bibliographic description of the MEI file. | |
Module | MEI.header — Specifications |
Attributes | att.common (@n) (att.commonPart (@label, @xml:base) ( (@xml:id)) ) |
Contained by | MEI.header: meiHead |
May contain | MEI.header: editionStmt notesStmt pubStmt seriesStmt sourceDesc titleStmt |
Declaration | element fileDesc { tido_att.common.attributes, tido_titleStmt, editionStmt?, extent?, tido_pubStmt, seriesStmt?, notesStmt?, sourceDesc? } |
Note | Extent in this context represents file size. |
Note | This element is modelled on elements in the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) and Encoded Archival Description (EAD) standards. |
<fingerprint> Contains a string that uniquely identifies an item, such as those constructed by combining groups of characters transcribed from specified pages of a printed item or a file's checksum. | |
Module | MEI.header — Specifications |
Attributes | att.common (@n) (att.commonPart (@label, @xml:base) ( (@xml:id)) ) |
Member of | |
Contained by | MEI.header: physDesc |
May contain | Character data only |
Declaration | element fingerprint { tido_att.common.attributes, text } |
<geogName> (geographic name) – The proper noun designation for a place, natural feature, or political jurisdiction. | |
Module | MEI.namesdates — Specifications |
Attributes | att.common (@n) (att.commonPart (@label, @xml:base) ( (@xml:id)) ) (@nymref, @role) att.typed (@type, @subtype) |
Member of | |
Contained by | MEI.header: accessRestrict acqSource audience byline captureMode carrierForm condition contentItem context dimensions exhibHist hand inscription language otherChar perfDuration physMedium plateNum playingSpeed price provenance soundChan specRepro sysReq term trackConfig treatHist treatSched useRestrict watermark MEI.namesdates: corpName geogName periodName persName styleName MEI.ptrref: ref |
May contain | |
Declaration | element geogName { tido_att.common.attributes,, tido_att.typed.attributes, ( text | model.textphraseLike | model.editLike | model.transcriptionLike )* } |
Note | Examples include Black Forest; Baltimore, Maryland; and Quartier Latin, Paris. Name sub-parts may be encoded using <geogName> sub-elements. The name of the list from which a controlled value is taken, such as the Thesaurus of Geographic Names (TGN), may be recorded using the authority attribute. |
Note | This element is modelled on an element in the Encoded Archival Description (EAD) standard. |
<hairpin/> Indicates continuous dynamics expressed on the score as wedge-shaped graphics, e.g. < and >. | |
Module | MEI.cmn — Specifications |
Attributes | att.common (@n) (att.commonPart (@label, @xml:base) ( (@xml:id)) ) att.hairpin.log (@form) (att.spanning.musical.req (att.timestamp.musical.req (@tstamp)) (att.timestamp2.musical.req (@tstamp2)) (att.staffident (@staff)) (att.layerident (@layer)) ) att.hairpin.vis (@opening) (att.placement (@place)) att.typed (@type, @subtype) |
Member of | |
Contained by | MEI.cmn: measure |
May contain | Empty element |
Declaration | element hairpin { tido_att.common.attributes, tido_att.hairpin.log.attributes, tido_att.hairpin.vis.attributes, tido_att.typed.attributes, empty } |
Schematron | Require place on <hairpin/> when staff has a single value.
<sch:rule context="mei:hairpin[not(contains(@staff, ' '))]">
<sch:assert test="exists(@place)">Must have place attribute.</sch:assert></sch:rule> |
Schematron | |
Example | A valid <hairpin/> with all required and optional attributes <hairpin form="cres" tstamp="1"
tstamp2="0m+2" staff="1" layer="1" place="above"
xml:id="d096"/> |
Example | A valid <hairpin/> with two values in staff and no layer attribute <hairpin form="cres" tstamp="1"
tstamp2="0m+2" staff="1 2" xml:id="d097"/> |
Example | An invalid <hairpin/> missing the staff attribute <hairpin form="cres" tstamp="1"
tstamp2="0m+2" xml:id="d098"/> |
Example | A valid <hairpin/> with a single value in staff and multiple values in layer <hairpin form="cres" tstamp="1"
tstamp2="0m+2" staff="1" layer="1 2 3" place="below"
xml:id="d099"/> |
Example | An invalid <hairpin/> with a single value in staff missing the place attribute <hairpin form="cres" tstamp="1"
tstamp2="0m+2" staff="1" layer="1" xml:id="d100"/> |
Example | An invalid <hairpin/> missing the form attribute <hairpin tstamp="1" tstamp2="0m+2"
staff="1 2" xml:id="d101"/> |
Example | An invalid <hairpin/> using the endid attribute <hairpin form="cres" tstamp="1"
tstamp2="0m+2" staff="1 2" endid="#n02" xml:id="d102"/> |
Example | An invalid <hairpin/> using the startid attribute <hairpin form="cres" tstamp="1"
startid="#n01" tstamp2="0m+2" staff="1 2" xml:id="d103"/> |
Example | An invalid <hairpin/> missing the tstamp2 attribute <hairpin form="cres" tstamp="1" staff="1 2"
xml:id="d104"/> |
Example | An invalid <hairpin/> missing the tstamp attribute <hairpin form="cres" tstamp2="0m+2"
staff="1 2" xml:id="d105"/> |
Example | An invalid <hairpin/> with multiple values in staff and a layer attribute <hairpin form="cres" tstamp="1"
tstamp2="0m+2" staff="1 2" layer="1" xml:id="d106"/> |
Note | The <hairpin> element is used for graphical, i.e., crescendo and diminuendo, dynamic markings. For instantaneous or continuous textual dynamics, such as 'p', 'mf', or 'cres. poco a poco', the <dynam> element should be used. As opposed to generic MEI, in this basic customization the start and end point of the hairpin is always encoded with tstamp, and tstamp2 attributes. |
<hand> Defines a distinct scribe or handwriting style. | |||||||
Module | MEI.header — Specifications | ||||||
Attributes | att.common (@n) (att.commonPart (@label, @xml:base) ( (@xml:id)) ) att.medium (@medium)
| ||||||
Contained by | MEI.header: handList | ||||||
May contain | |||||||
Declaration | element hand { tido_att.common.attributes, tido_att.medium.attributes, attribute initial { data.BOOLEAN }?, ( text | )* } | ||||||
Note | The initial attribute indicates whether this is the first or main scribe of the document. The medium attribute describes the writing medium, e.g., 'pencil', or the tint or type of ink, e.g. 'brown'. The resp attribute contains an ID reference to an element containing the name of the editor or transcriber responsible for identifying the hand. The characteristics of the hand, particularly those related to the quality of the writing, such as 'shaky', 'thick', etc. may be described within the content of the <hand> element. | ||||||
Note | This element is modelled on an element in the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) standard. |
<handList> Container for one or more hand elements. | |
Module | MEI.header — Specifications |
Attributes | att.common (@n) (att.commonPart (@label, @xml:base) ( (@xml:id)) ) att.typed (@type, @subtype) |
Member of | |
Contained by | MEI.header: physDesc |
May contain | MEI.header: hand |
Declaration | element handList { tido_att.common.attributes, tido_att.typed.attributes, model.headLike*, ( model.labelLike?, hand )* } |
Note | This element is modelled on an element in the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) standard. |
<history> Provides a container for information about the history of a resource. To facilitate efficient data interchange, basic information about the circumstances surrounding the creation of bibliographic resources should be recorded within the creation element. | |
Module | MEI.header — Specifications |
Attributes | att.common (@n) (att.commonPart (@label, @xml:base) ( (@xml:id)) ) |
Contained by | |
May contain | MEI.shared: p |
Declaration | element history { tido_att.common.attributes, model.headLike*, ( model.divLike | model.textcomponentLike )* } |
<incipCode> Incipit coded in a non-XML, plain text format, such as Plaine & Easie Code. | |||||||||
Module | MEI.header — Specifications | ||||||||
Attributes | att.common (@n) (att.commonPart (@label, @xml:base) ( (@xml:id)) ) att.internetmedia (@mimetype)
| ||||||||
Contained by | — | ||||||||
May contain | Character data only | ||||||||
Declaration | element incipCode { tido_att.common.attributes, tido_att.internetmedia.attributes, attribute form { "plaineAndEasie" | "humdrumKern" | "parsons" | xsd:NMTOKEN }?, text } | ||||||||
Schematron |
<sch:rule context="mei:incipCode">
<sch:assert test="@form or @mimetype">incipCode must have a form or mimetype
attribute.</sch:assert></sch:rule> |
<incipText> Opening words of a musical composition. | |
Module | MEI.header — Specifications |
Attributes | att.common (@n) (att.commonPart (@label, @xml:base) ( (@xml:id)) ) att.internetmedia (@mimetype) |
Contained by | — |
May contain | MEI.shared: p |
Declaration | element incipText { tido_att.common.attributes, tido_att.internetmedia.attributes, ( model.pLike | model.lgLike )* } |
<inscription> An inscription added to an item, such as a bookplate, a note designating the item as a gift, and/or the author's signature. | |
Module | MEI.header — Specifications |
Attributes | att.common (@n) (att.commonPart (@label, @xml:base) ( (@xml:id)) ) |
Member of | |
Contained by | MEI.header: physDesc |
May contain | |
Declaration | element inscription { tido_att.common.attributes, ( text | | model.editLike | model.transcriptionLike )* } |
<interpretation> Describes the scope of any analytic or interpretive information added to the transcription of the music. | |
Module | MEI.header — Specifications |
Attributes | att.common (@n) (att.commonPart (@label, @xml:base) ( (@xml:id)) ) |
Member of | |
Contained by | MEI.header: editorialDecl |
May contain | MEI.shared: p |
Declaration | element interpretation { tido_att.common.attributes, model.pLike+ } |
Note | This element is modelled on an element in the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) standard. |
<key> Key captures information about tonal center and mode. | |
Module | MEI.header — Specifications |
Attributes | att.common (@n) (att.commonPart (@label, @xml:base) ( (@xml:id)) ) att.keySig.log (@mode) (att.accidental (@accid)) (att.pitch (@pname)) |
Member of | |
Contained by | MEI.header: work |
May contain | Character data only |
Declaration | element key { tido_att.common.attributes, tido_att.keySig.log.attributes, text } |
Note | This element is used exclusively within bibliographic descriptions. Do not confuse this element with <keySig>, which is used within the body of an MEI file to record this data. |
<keySig> (key signature) – Written key signature. | |
Module | MEI.shared — Specifications |
Attributes | att.common (@n) (att.commonPart (@label, @xml:base) ( (@xml:id)) ) att.keySig.log (@mode) (att.accidental (@accid)) (att.pitch (@pname)) |
Member of | |
Contained by | |
May contain | Empty element |
Declaration | element keySig { tido_att.common.attributes, tido_att.keySig.log.attributes, model.keyAccidLike* } |
Schematron | @pname and @mode must occur together.
<sch:rule context="mei:keySig">
<sch:report test="not(@pname and @mode)"> Key signature must be complete (both
@pname and @mode are required).</sch:report></sch:rule> |
Example | A valid <keySig> with all required attributes <staffDef n="1" xml:id="d119">
<keySig xml:id="d120" pname="f"
</staffDef> |
Example | An invalid <keySig> with an accid attribute <staffDef n="1" xml:id="d121">
<keySig xml:id="d122" pname="f" accid="s"
</staffDef> |
Example | An invalid <keySig> without the mode attribute <staffDef n="1" xml:id="d123">
<keySig xml:id="d124" pname="f"/>
</staffDef> |
Example | A invalid <keySig> without the pname attribute <staffDef n="1" xml:id="d125">
<keySig xml:id="d126" mode="major"/>
</staffDef> |
Note | This element may be used as an alternative to the key.* attributes (especially key.sig.mixed) on <scoreDef> and <staffDef>. |
<langUsage> (language usage) – Groups elements describing the languages, sub-languages, dialects, etc., represented within the encoded resource. | |
Module | MEI.header — Specifications |
Attributes | att.common (@n) (att.commonPart (@label, @xml:base) ( (@xml:id)) ) |
Contained by | |
May contain | MEI.header: language |
Declaration | element langUsage { tido_att.common.attributes, model.headLike*, language+ } |
Note | This element is modelled on an element in the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) standard. |
<language> Description of a language used in the document. | |
Module | MEI.header — Specifications |
Attributes | att.common (@n) (att.commonPart (@label, @xml:base) ( (@xml:id)) ) |
Contained by | MEI.header: langUsage |
May contain | |
Declaration | element language { tido_att.common.attributes, ( text | )* } |
Note | Textual elements may be related to this element via their xml:lang attribute, which normally takes the form of a code, drawn from a coded list, such as ISO639-2b. The name and web location of the authorizing list may be encoded in the authority attribute and the authURI attribute, respectively. |
Note | This element is modelled on elements in the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) and Encoded Archival Description (EAD) standards. |
<layer> An independent stream of events on a staff. | |||||||
Module | MEI.shared — Specifications | ||||||
Attributes | att.commonPart (@label, @xml:base) ( (@xml:id))
| ||||||
Member of | |||||||
Contained by | MEI.shared: staff | ||||||
May contain | |||||||
Declaration | element layer { tido_att.commonPart.attributes, attribute n { xsd:positiveInteger }, ( model.appLike | model.divLike | | model.annotLike | model.graphicprimitiveLike | model.editLike | model.transcriptionLike | model.layerPart )* } | ||||||
Example | A valid layer element with a positive integer n value <measure n="1" xml:id="d071">
<staff n="1" xml:id="d072">
<layer n="1" xml:id="d073"/>
</measure> | ||||||
Example | An invalid layer element missing n <measure n="1" xml:id="d074">
<staff n="1" xml:id="d075">
<layer xml:id="d076"/>
</measure> | ||||||
Example | An invalid layer element with a non-integer n <measure n="1" xml:id="d077">
<staff n="1" xml:id="d078">
<layer n="s1" xml:id="d079"/>
</measure> | ||||||
Note | The term 'layer' is used instead of 'voice' in order to avoid confusion between 'voice' and 'voice leading' and 'voicing'. The def attribute may be used to create a connection with a <layerDef> element where logical and visual information about the layer is recorded. Alternatively, the n attribute may be used as a reference to a <layerDef> element with the same value in its n attribute. If neither def nor n attributes are present, then encoding order of the layers is presumed to match the encoding order of the layer definitions. |
<mRest/> (measure rest) – Complete measure rest in any meter. | |
Module | MEI.cmn — Specifications |
Attributes | att.common (@n) (att.commonPart (@label, @xml:base) ( (@xml:id)) ) att.mRest.log (att.duration.musical (@dur)) (att.event (att.timestamp.musical (@tstamp)) (att.staffident (@staff)) (att.layerident (@layer)) ) att.mRest.vis (att.cutout (@cutout)) (att.staffloc (@loc)) (att.typography (@fontfam, @fontname, @fontsize, @fontstyle, @fontweight)) att.mRest.gesatt.mRest.anl |
Member of | |
Contained by | MEI.shared: layer |
May contain | Empty element |
Declaration | element mRest { tido_att.common.attributes, tido_att.mRest.log.attributes, tido_att.mRest.vis.attributes, tido_att.mRest.ges.attributes, tido_att.mRest.anl.attributes, empty } |
Note | Automatically-generated numbering of consecutive measures of rest may be controlled via the multi.number attribute on the <scoreDef> or <staffDef> elements. |
<mdiv> (musical division) – Contains a subdivision of the body of a musical text. | |
Module | MEI.shared — Specifications |
Attributes | att.common (@n) (att.commonPart (@label, @xml:base) ( (@xml:id)) ) att.typed (@type, @subtype) |
Member of | |
Contained by | |
May contain | |
Declaration | element mdiv { tido_att.common.attributes, tido_att.typed.attributes, ( ( model.scoreLike?, model.partsLike? ) | model.mdivLike* ) } |
Note | The <mdiv> element may contain one or both of 2 possible views of the music. The score view is the traditional full and open score while the parts view contains each performer's view of the score; that is, his part. These 2 views are necessary because it is not always possible or desirable to generate one from the other. The <score> and <parts> elements are placed here and not directly within the <body> element because score and part characteristics may change from <mdiv> to <mdiv>. For example, the 2nd movement of a symphony may require different performing forces (and therefore different score and part layout) than the other movements. The <mdiv> element may be recursively nested in order to represent music which exhibits this kind of structure. For example, an opera is normally divided into acts, which are in turn divided into scenes. |
<measure> Unit of musical time consisting of a fixed number of note-values of a given type, as determined by the prevailing meter, and delimited in musical notation by bar lines. | |
Module | MEI.cmn — Specifications |
Attributes | att.common (@n) (att.commonPart (@label, @xml:base) ( (@xml:id)) ) att.measure.log (@left, @right) ( (@metcon, @control)) att.typed (@type, @subtype) |
Member of | |
Contained by | |
May contain | |
Declaration | element measure { tido_att.common.attributes, tido_att.measure.log.attributes, tido_att.typed.attributes, ( model.appLike | model.divLike | | model.staffDefLike | model.annotLike | model.graphicprimitiveLike | model.editLike | model.transcriptionLike | model.measurePart )* } |
Note | In MEI, the <measure> element is a grouping mechanism for events and control events. Pointing attributes make it possible to connect this element to other internal or external entities, such as media objects or annotations. The width attribute may be used to capture the width of the measure for interchange with music printing systems that utilize this information for printing. |
<mei> Contains a single MEI-conformant document, consisting of an MEI header and a musical text, either in isolation or as part of an meiCorpus element. | |
Module | MEI.shared — Specifications |
Attributes | att.meiversion (@meiversion) (@xml:id) |
Contained by | — |
May contain | |
Declaration | element mei { tido_att.meiversion.attributes,, tido_meiHead, tido_music } |
Schematron |
<sch:rule context="mei:*[@staff]">
<sch:assert test="every $i in tokenize(@staff, '\s+') satisfies $i=//mei:staffDef/@n">The values in @staff must correspond to @n attribute of a staffDef
element.</sch:assert></sch:rule> |
Note | The <mei> element defines an instance of a document encoded with the MEI schema. It is the document element for a single document containing a header and data. The name of this element should not be changed by any customization in order to assure an absolute minimum level of MEI compliance. |
<meiHead> (MEI header) – Supplies the descriptive and declarative metadata prefixed to every MEI-conformant text. | |||||||
Module | MEI.header — Specifications | ||||||
Attributes | att.common (@n) (att.commonPart (@label, @xml:base) ( (@xml:id)) ) att.meiversion (@meiversion)
| ||||||
Contained by | MEI.shared: mei | ||||||
May contain | MEI.header: altId encodingDesc fileDesc revisionDesc workDesc | ||||||
Declaration | element meiHead { tido_att.common.attributes, tido_att.meiversion.attributes, attribute type { text }?, altId*, tido_fileDesc, tido_model.headerPart_sequenceOptional, revisionDesc? } | ||||||
Note | In order to encourage uniformity in the provision of metadata across document types, this element is modelled on an element in the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) standard. This information is often essential in a machine-readable environment. Five sub-elements must be encoded in the following order: <altId>(optional), <fileDesc>(required), <encodingDesc>(optional), <workDesc>(optional), and <revisionDesc>(optional). These elements and their sub-elements provide: a unique identifier for the MEI file, bibliographic information about the MEI file and its sources, information about the encoding process, information about the creation of the work being encoded, and statements regarding significant revisions of the file. The xml:lang attribute may be used to indicate the language in which the metadata content of the header is provided. |
<mensuration> Captures information about mensuration within bibliographic descriptions. | |
Module | MEI.header — Specifications |
Attributes | att.common (@n) (att.commonPart (@label, @xml:base) ( (@xml:id)) ) att.mensur.log (@dot, @sign) (att.duration.ratio (@num, @numbase)) (att.slashcount (@slash)) |
Member of | |
Contained by | MEI.header: work |
May contain | Character data only |
Declaration | element mensuration { tido_att.common.attributes, tido_att.mensur.log.attributes, text } |
<meter> Captures information about the time signature within bibliographic descriptions. | |
Module | MEI.header — Specifications |
Attributes | att.common (@n) (att.commonPart (@label, @xml:base) ( (@xml:id)) ) att.meterSig.log (@count, @sym, @unit) |
Member of | |
Contained by | MEI.header: work |
May contain | Character data only |
Declaration | element meter { tido_att.common.attributes, tido_att.meterSig.log.attributes, text } |
Note | This element is used exclusively within bibliographic descriptions. Do not confuse <meter> with the <meterSig> or <meterSigGrp> or attributes used by staffDef and scoreDef to record this data within the body of an MEI file. |
<meterSig/> (meter signature) – Written meter signature. | |
Module | MEI.cmn — Specifications |
Attributes | att.common (@n) (att.commonPart (@label, @xml:base) ( (@xml:id)) ) att.meterSig.log (@count, @sym, @unit) |
Member of | |
Contained by | |
May contain | Empty element |
Declaration | element meterSig { tido_att.common.attributes, tido_att.meterSig.log.attributes, empty } |
Schematron | @count and @unit must occur together.
<sch:rule context="mei:meterSig">
<sch:report test="not(@count and @unit)">Time signature must be complete (both
@count and @unit are required).</sch:report></sch:rule> |
Example | A valid <meterSig/> containing all required attributes <staffDef n="1" lines="5" xml:id="d113">
<meterSig xml:id="d114" count="4" unit="4"/>
</staffDef> |
Example | An invalid <meterSig/> without the unit attribute <staffDef n="1" lines="5" xml:id="d115">
<meterSig xml:id="d116" count="4"/>
</staffDef> |
Example | An invalid <meterSig/> without the count attribute <staffDef n="1" lines="5" xml:id="d117">
<meterSig xml:id="d118" unit="4"/>
</staffDef> |
<music> Contains a single musical text of any kind, whether unitary or composite, for example, an etude, opera, song cycle, symphony, or anthology of piano solos. | |
Module | MEI.shared — Specifications |
Attributes | att.common (@n) (att.commonPart (@label, @xml:base) ( (@xml:id)) ) att.meiversion (@meiversion) |
Contained by | MEI.shared: mei |
May contain | MEI.shared: body |
Declaration | element music { tido_att.common.attributes, tido_att.meiversion.attributes, model.resourceLike*, tido_macro.musicPart } |
<normalization> Indicates the extent of normalization or regularization of the original source carried out in converting it to electronic form. | |
Module | MEI.header — Specifications |
Attributes | att.common (@n) (att.commonPart (@label, @xml:base) ( (@xml:id)) ) att.regularmethod (@method) |
Member of | |
Contained by | MEI.header: editorialDecl |
May contain | MEI.shared: p |
Declaration | element normalization { tido_att.common.attributes, tido_att.regularmethod.attributes, model.pLike+ } |
Note | This element is modelled on an element in the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) standard. |
<note> A single pitched event. | |
Module | MEI.shared — Specifications |
Attributes | att.common (@n) (att.commonPart (@label, @xml:base) ( (@xml:id)) ) att.note.log (att.event (att.timestamp.musical (@tstamp)) (att.staffident (@staff)) (att.layerident (@layer)) ) (att.articulation (@artic)) (att.augmentdots (@dots)) (att.duration.musical (@dur)) (att.pitched (att.pitch (@pname)) (att.octave (@oct)) ) (att.syltext (@syl)) att.note.vis (att.staffloc (@loc)) (att.stems (@stem.dir, @stem.len, @stem.mod, @stem.pos, @stem.x, @stem.y)) (att.typography (@fontfam, @fontname, @fontsize, @fontstyle, @fontweight)) att.note.ges (@oct.ges, @pname.ges, @pnum) (att.accidental.performed (@accid.ges)) (att.note.ges.cmn (@gliss) (att.graced (@grace, @grace.time)) ) |
Member of | |
Contained by | |
May contain | MEI.shared: accid |
Declaration | element note { tido_att.common.attributes, tido_att.note.log.attributes, tido_att.note.vis.attributes, tido_att.note.ges.attributes, ( model.noteModifierLike | model.verseLike | model.sylLike | model.appLike | model.editLike | model.transcriptionLike )* } |
Note | The <accid> and <artic> sub-elements may be used instead of the note element's attributes when accid and artic represent first-class objects, e.g., when they require attributes, such as x and y location attributes. Similarly, the <syl> sub-element may be used instead of the syl attribute. The verse sub-element may be used to group text syllables by verse. The colored attribute may be used to indicate coloration. In the mensural repertoire, coloration is a temporary change in the underlying mensuration from perfect to imperfect. In the CMN repertoire, coloration is an inversion of the note head's normal rendition, that is, the note head is void when it would otherwise be filled and vice versa. Do not confuse this with visual color. |
<notesStmt> (notes statement)– Collects any notes providing information about a text additional to that recorded in other parts of the bibliographic description. | |
Module | MEI.header — Specifications |
Attributes | att.common (@n) (att.commonPart (@label, @xml:base) ( (@xml:id)) ) |
Contained by | |
May contain | Empty element |
Declaration | element notesStmt { tido_att.common.attributes, model.headLike*, model.annotLike+ } |
Note | This element is modelled on an element in the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) standard. |
<ornam> An element indicating an ornament that is not a mordent, turn, or trill. | |
Module | MEI.shared — Specifications |
Attributes | att.common (@n) (att.commonPart (@label, @xml:base) ( (@xml:id)) ) att.ornam.log (att.controlevent (att.staffident.req (@staff)) (att.timestamp.musical (@tstamp)) (att.layerident (@layer)) ) (att.startendid (@endid) (att.startid (@startid)) ) (att.timestamp2.musical (@tstamp2)) att.ornam.vis (att.placement (@place)) att.typed (@type, @subtype) |
Member of | |
Contained by | MEI.cmn: measure |
May contain | |
Declaration | element ornam { tido_att.common.attributes, tido_att.ornam.log.attributes, tido_att.ornam.vis.attributes, tido_att.typed.attributes, ( text | | model.graphicprimitiveLike | model.editLike | model.transcriptionLike )* } |
Schematron |
<sch:rule context="mei:ornam">
<sch:assert test="@startid or @tstamp or @tstamp.ges or @tstamp.real">Must have one of
the attributes: startid, tstamp, tstamp.ges or tstamp.real</sch:assert></sch:rule> |
Note | The glyph of the ornament may be indicated with the altsym attribute, and it is recommended to provide an expansion of the ornament on the staff content. The starting point of the ornament may be indicated by either a startid, tstamp, tstamp.ges, or tstamp.real attribute. It is a semantic error not to specify one of these attributes. |
<otherChar> (other distinguishing characteristic) – Any characteristic that serves to differentiate a work or expression from another. | |
Module | MEI.header — Specifications |
Attributes | att.common (@n) (att.commonPart (@label, @xml:base) ( (@xml:id)) ) |
Contained by | MEI.header: work |
May contain | |
Declaration | element otherChar { tido_att.common.attributes, ( text | )* } |
<p> (paragraph) – One or more text phrases that form a logical prose passage. | |
Module | MEI.shared — Specifications |
Attributes | att.common (@n) (att.commonPart (@label, @xml:base) ( (@xml:id)) ) |
Member of | |
Contained by | |
May contain | |
Declaration | element p { tido_att.common.attributes, ( text | model.paracontentPart )* } |
Note | A paragraph is usually typographically distinct: The text usually begins on a new line and the first letter of the content is often indented, enlarged, or both. |
Note | This element is modelled on elements in the Encoded Archival Description, Text Encoding Initiative (TEI), and HTML standards. |
<pedal/> Piano pedal mark. | |
Module | MEI.cmn — Specifications |
Attributes | att.common (@n) (att.commonPart (@label, @xml:base) ( (@xml:id)) ) att.pedal.log (@dir) (att.controlevent (att.staffident.req (@staff)) (att.timestamp.musical (@tstamp)) (att.layerident (@layer)) ) (att.startendid (@endid) (att.startid (@startid)) ) att.pedal.vis (@form) (att.placement (@place)) (att.typography (@fontfam, @fontname, @fontsize, @fontstyle, @fontweight)) att.typed (@type, @subtype) |
Member of | |
Contained by | MEI.cmn: measure |
May contain | Empty element |
Declaration | element pedal { tido_att.common.attributes, tido_att.pedal.log.attributes, tido_att.pedal.vis.attributes, tido_att.typed.attributes, empty } |
Schematron |
<sch:rule context="mei:pedal[@form][@dir=('bounce', 'up')]">
<sch:let name="form" value="@form"/>
<sch:assert test="preceding::mei:pedal[1][@form=$form]"> Pedal styles must be consistent between pedal down and pedal up.</sch:assert></sch:rule> |
Schematron |
<sch:rule context="mei:pedal">
<sch:assert test="@startid or @tstamp or @tstamp.ges or @tstamp.real">Must have one of
the attributes: startid, tstamp, tstamp.ges or tstamp.real</sch:assert></sch:rule> |
Example | A valid sequence of <pedal/> elements <pedal place="below" layer="1" dir="down"
tstamp="1" form="line" staff="1" xml:id="d127"/>
<pedal place="below" layer="1" dir="bounce"
tstamp="1" form="line" staff="1" xml:id="d128"/>
<pedal place="below" layer="1" dir="up"
tstamp="2" form="line" staff="1" xml:id="d129"/> |
Example | An invalid sequence of <pedal/> elements <pedal place="below" layer="1" dir="down"
tstamp="1" form="line" staff="1" xml:id="d130"/>
<pedal place="below" layer="1" dir="bounce"
tstamp="1" form="line" staff="1" xml:id="d131"/>
<pedal place="below" layer="1" dir="up"
tstamp="2" form="pedstar" staff="1" xml:id="d132"/> |
Example | An invalid sequence of <pedal/> elements <pedal place="below" layer="1" dir="down"
tstamp="1" form="line" staff="1" xml:id="d133"/>
<pedal place="below" layer="1" dir="bounce"
tstamp="1" form="altpedstar" staff="1" xml:id="d134"/>
<pedal place="below" layer="1" dir="up"
tstamp="2" form="line" staff="1" xml:id="d135"/> |
Example | A valid sequence of <pedal/> elements <pedal place="below" layer="1" dir="half"
tstamp="1" form="altpedstar" staff="1" xml:id="d136"/>
<pedal place="below" layer="1" dir="up"
tstamp="2" form="altpedstar" staff="1" xml:id="d137"/> |
Note | The starting point of the pedal mark may be indicated by either a startid, tstamp, tstamp.ges, or tstamp.real attribute. It is a semantic error not to specify one of these attributes. |
<perfDuration> (performance duration) – Used to express the duration of performance of printed or manuscript music or the playing time for a sound recording, videorecording, etc. | |||||||
Module | MEI.header — Specifications | ||||||
Attributes | att.common (@n) (att.commonPart (@label, @xml:base) ( (@xml:id)) )
| ||||||
Member of | |||||||
Contained by | |||||||
May contain | |||||||
Declaration | element perfDuration { tido_att.common.attributes, attribute isodur { xsd:duration }?, ( text | )* } |
<perfMedium> (performance medium) – Indicates the number and character of the performing forces used in a musical composition. | |
Module | MEI.header — Specifications |
Attributes | att.common (@n) (att.commonPart (@label, @xml:base) ( (@xml:id)) ) |
Contained by | MEI.header: work |
May contain | MEI.header: perfResList |
Declaration | element perfMedium { tido_att.common.attributes, model.headLike*, castList?, perfResList?, model.annotLike* } |
Note | Arrangements are coded for the medium of the work being described, not for the original medium. |
<perfRes> (performance resource) – Name of an instrument on which a performer plays, a performer's voice range, or a standard performing ensemble designation. | |||||||||||||
Module | MEI.header — Specifications | ||||||||||||
Attributes | att.common (@n) (att.commonPart (@label, @xml:base) ( (@xml:id)) )
| ||||||||||||
Contained by | MEI.header: perfResList | ||||||||||||
May contain | Character data only | ||||||||||||
Declaration | element perfRes { tido_att.common.attributes, attribute count { xsd:positiveInteger }?, attribute solo { data.BOOLEAN }?, text* } |
<perfResList> Several instrumental or vocal resources treated as a group. | |||||||
Module | MEI.header — Specifications | ||||||
Attributes | att.common (@n) (att.commonPart (@label, @xml:base) ( (@xml:id)) )
| ||||||
Contained by | MEI.header: perfMedium perfResList | ||||||
May contain | MEI.header: perfRes perfResList | ||||||
Declaration | element perfResList { tido_att.common.attributes, attribute count { xsd:positiveInteger }?, model.headLike*, ( perfRes | perfResList )* } | ||||||
Note | The function of instrumentalists or vocalists is represented by the choice of <perfRes> and <perfResList> child elements. Arrangements are coded for the medium of the work being described, not for the original medium. |
<periodName> (period name) – A label that describes a period of time, such as 'Baroque' or '3rd Style period'. | |
Module | MEI.namesdates — Specifications |
Attributes | att.common (@n) (att.commonPart (@label, @xml:base) ( (@xml:id)) ) (@nymref, @role) att.typed (@type, @subtype) |
Member of | |
Contained by | MEI.header: accessRestrict acqSource audience byline captureMode carrierForm condition contentItem context dimensions exhibHist hand inscription language otherChar perfDuration physMedium plateNum playingSpeed price provenance soundChan specRepro sysReq term trackConfig treatHist treatSched useRestrict watermark MEI.namesdates: corpName geogName periodName persName styleName MEI.ptrref: ref |
May contain | |
Declaration | element periodName { tido_att.common.attributes,, tido_att.typed.attributes, ( text | model.textphraseLike | model.editLike | model.transcriptionLike )* } |
Note | The name of the list from which a controlled value is taken may be recorded using the authority attribute. |
<persName> (personal name) – Designation for an individual, including any or all of that individual's forenames, surnames, honorific titles, and added names. | |
Module | MEI.namesdates — Specifications |
Attributes | att.common (@n) (att.commonPart (@label, @xml:base) ( (@xml:id)) ) (@nymref, @role) att.typed (@type, @subtype) |
Member of | |
Contained by | MEI.header: accessRestrict acqSource audience byline captureMode carrierForm condition contentItem context dimensions exhibHist hand inscription language otherChar perfDuration physMedium plateNum playingSpeed price provenance soundChan specRepro sysReq term trackConfig treatHist treatSched useRestrict watermark MEI.namesdates: corpName geogName periodName persName styleName MEI.ptrref: ref |
May contain | |
Declaration | element persName { tido_att.common.attributes,, tido_att.typed.attributes, ( text | model.textphraseLike | model.editLike | model.transcriptionLike )* } |
Note | Name sub-parts may be recorded in <persName> sub-elements. The name of the list from which a controlled value is taken may be recorded using the authority attribute. |
Note | This element is modelled on an element in the Encoded Archival Description (EAD) standard. |
<physDesc> (physical description) – Container for information about the appearance, construction, or handling of physical materials, such as their dimension, quantity, color, style, and technique of creation. | |
Module | MEI.header — Specifications |
Attributes | att.common (@n) (att.commonPart (@label, @xml:base) ( (@xml:id)) ) |
Member of | |
Contained by | MEI.header: source |
May contain | |
Declaration | element physDesc { tido_att.common.attributes, model.pLike*, model.physDescPart* } |
Note | Dedicatory text and title page features may also be encoded here when they are not transcribed as part of the front or back matter; i.e., when they are considered to be meta-data rather than a transcription. |
Note | This element is modelled on an element in the Encoded Archival Description (EAD) standard. |
<physMedium> (physical medium) – Records the physical materials used in the source, such as ink and paper. | |
Module | MEI.header — Specifications |
Attributes | att.common (@n) (att.commonPart (@label, @xml:base) ( (@xml:id)) ) |
Member of | |
Contained by | MEI.header: physDesc |
May contain | |
Declaration | element physMedium { tido_att.common.attributes, ( text | )* } |
Note | All materials may be described in a single <physMedium> element or multiple elements may be used, one for each medium. |
Note | This element is modelled on an element in the Encoded Archival Description (EAD) standard. |
<plateNum> (plate number) – Designation assigned to a resource by a music publisher, usually printed at the bottom of each page, and sometimes appearing also on the title page. | |
Module | MEI.header — Specifications |
Attributes | att.common (@n) (att.commonPart (@label, @xml:base) ( (@xml:id)) ) |
Member of | |
Contained by | MEI.header: physDesc |
May contain | |
Declaration | element plateNum { tido_att.common.attributes, ( text | )* } |
Note | While it is often called a "plate number", it does not always contain numbers. The facs attribute may be used to record the location of the plate number in a facsimile image. |
<playingSpeed> Playing speed for a sound recording is the speed at which the carrier must be operated to produce the sound intended (e.g., 33 1/3 rpm, 19 cm/s, etc.). | |
Module | MEI.header — Specifications |
Attributes | att.common (@n) (att.commonPart (@label, @xml:base) ( (@xml:id)) ) |
Member of | |
Contained by | MEI.header: physDesc |
May contain | |
Declaration | element playingSpeed { tido_att.common.attributes, ( text | )* } |
<price> The cost of access to a bibliographic item. | |||||||
Module | MEI.header — Specifications | ||||||
Attributes | att.common (@n) (att.commonPart (@label, @xml:base) ( (@xml:id)) ) att.quantity (@quantity)
| ||||||
Member of | |||||||
Contained by | MEI.header: availability | ||||||
May contain | |||||||
Declaration | element price { tido_att.common.attributes, tido_att.quantity.attributes, attribute currency { xsd:NMTOKEN }?, ( text | )* } | ||||||
Note | Best practice suggests the use of controlled vocabulary for the currency attribute, such as the ISO 4217 list of currency designators. |
<projectDesc> (project description) – Project-level meta-data describing the aim or purpose for which the electronic file was encoded, funding agencies, etc. together with any other relevant information concerning the process by which it was assembled or collected. | |
Module | MEI.header — Specifications |
Attributes | att.common (@n) (att.commonPart (@label, @xml:base) ( (@xml:id)) ) |
Member of | |
Contained by | MEI.header: encodingDesc |
May contain | MEI.shared: p |
Declaration | element projectDesc { tido_att.common.attributes, model.headLike*, model.pLike+ } |
Note | This element is modelled on an element in the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) standard. |
<provenance> The record of ownership or custodianship of an item. | |
Module | MEI.header — Specifications |
Attributes | att.common (@n) (att.commonPart (@label, @xml:base) ( (@xml:id)) ) |
Contained by | — |
May contain | |
Declaration | element provenance { tido_att.common.attributes, ( eventList? | ( text | )* ) } |
Note | This element is modelled on elements in the Encoded Archival Description (EAD) and Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) standards. |
<ptr/> (pointer) – Defines a pointer to another location, using only attributes to describe the destination. | |
Module | MEI.ptrref — Specifications |
Attributes | att.common (@n) (att.commonPart (@label, @xml:base) ( (@xml:id)) ) att.internetmedia (@mimetype) att.typed (@type, @subtype) |
Member of | |
Contained by | MEI.header: accessRestrict acqSource application audience byline captureMode carrierForm condition contentItem context dimensions exhibHist hand inscription language otherChar perfDuration physMedium plateNum playingSpeed price provenance soundChan specRepro sysReq term trackConfig treatHist treatSched useRestrict watermark MEI.namesdates: corpName geogName periodName persName styleName MEI.ptrref: ref |
May contain | Empty element |
Declaration | element ptr { tido_att.common.attributes, tido_att.internetmedia.attributes, tido_att.typed.attributes, empty } |
Note | Unlike the <ref> element, <ptr> cannot contain text or sub-elements to describe the referenced object. |
Note | This element is modelled on elements in the Encoded Archival Description (EAD) and Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) standards. |
<pubStmt> (publication statement) – Container for information regarding the publication or distribution of a bibliographic item, including the publisher's name and address, the date of publication, and other relevant details. | |
Module | MEI.header — Specifications |
Attributes | att.common (@n) (att.commonPart (@label, @xml:base) ( (@xml:id)) ) |
Member of | |
Contained by | |
May contain | MEI.header: availability unpub |
Declaration | element pubStmt { tido_att.common.attributes, ( unpub? | model.pubStmtPart* ) } |
Note | When an item is unpublished, use only the <unpub> sub-element. |
Note | This element is modelled on an element in the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) standard. |
<ref> (reference) – Defines a reference to another location that may contain text and sub-elements to describe the destination. | |
Module | MEI.ptrref — Specifications |
Attributes | att.common (@n) (att.commonPart (@label, @xml:base) ( (@xml:id)) ) att.internetmedia (@mimetype) att.typed (@type, @subtype) |
Member of | |
Contained by | MEI.header: accessRestrict acqSource application audience byline captureMode carrierForm condition contentItem context dimensions exhibHist hand inscription language otherChar perfDuration physMedium plateNum playingSpeed price provenance soundChan specRepro sysReq term trackConfig treatHist treatSched useRestrict watermark MEI.namesdates: corpName geogName periodName persName styleName MEI.ptrref: ref |
May contain | |
Declaration | element ref { tido_att.common.attributes, tido_att.internetmedia.attributes, tido_att.typed.attributes, ( text | model.textphraseLike )* } |
Note | Unlike the <ptr> element, <ref> may contain text and sub-elements to describe the destination. |
Note | This element is modelled on elements in the Encoded Archival Description (EAD) and TEI standards. |
<rend> (render) – A formatting element indicating special visual rendering, e.g., bold or italicized, of a text word or phrase. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Module | MEI.shared — Specifications | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Attributes | att.common (@n) (att.commonPart (@label, @xml:base) ( (@xml:id)) ) att.typography (@fontfam, @fontname, @fontsize, @fontstyle, @fontweight)
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Member of | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Contained by | MEI.header: accessRestrict acqSource altId audience byline captureMode carrierForm classCode condition contentItem context dimensions exhibHist hand inscription language otherChar perfDuration physMedium plateNum playingSpeed price provenance soundChan specRepro sysReq term trackConfig treatHist treatSched useRestrict watermark MEI.namesdates: corpName geogName periodName persName styleName MEI.ptrref: ref | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
May contain | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Declaration | element rend { tido_att.common.attributes, tido_att.typography.attributes, attribute altrend { list { xsd:NMTOKEN+ } }?, attribute rend { list { data.TEXTRENDITION+ } }?, attribute rotation { data.DEGREES }?, attribute valign { text }?, ( text | model.textphraseLike | model.editLike | model.transcriptionLike )* } | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Note | When an entire element should be rendered in a special way, a style sheet function should be used instead of the <rend> element. |
<respStmt> (responsibility statement) – Names one or more individuals, groups, or in rare cases, mechanical processes, responsible for creation or realization of the intellectual or artistic content. | |
Module | MEI.shared — Specifications |
Attributes | att.common (@n) (att.commonPart (@label, @xml:base) ( (@xml:id)) ) |
Member of | |
Contained by | MEI.header: change editionStmt pubStmt seriesStmt titleStmt |
May contain | |
Declaration | element respStmt { tido_att.common.attributes, ( resp | model.nameLike )* } |
Note | This element is modelled on an element in the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) standard. |
<rest/> A non-sounding event found in the source being transcribed. | |
Module | MEI.shared — Specifications |
Attributes | att.common (@n) (att.commonPart (@label, @xml:base) ( (@xml:id)) ) (att.duration.musical.req (@dur)) (att.augmentdots (@dots)) (att.event (att.timestamp.musical (@tstamp)) (att.staffident (@staff)) (att.layerident (@layer)) ) (att.staffloc (@loc)) (att.typography (@fontfam, @fontname, @fontsize, @fontstyle, @fontweight)) |
Member of | |
Contained by | |
May contain | Empty element |
Declaration | element rest { tido_att.common.attributes,,, empty } |
Schematron |
<sch:rule context="mei:rest[@line]">
<sch:let name="thisstaff"
<sch:assert test="number(@line) <= number(preceding::mei:staffDef[@n=$thisstaff
and @lines][1]/@lines)">The value of @line must be less than or equal to the number of lines on the
staff.</sch:assert></sch:rule> |
Note | See (Read, p. 96-102). Do not confuse this element with the <space> element, which is used as an aid for visual alignment. |
<revisionDesc> (revision description) – Container for information about alterations that have been made to an MEI file. | |
Module | MEI.header — Specifications |
Attributes | att.common (@n) (att.commonPart (@label, @xml:base) ( (@xml:id)) ) |
Contained by | MEI.header: meiHead |
May contain | MEI.header: change |
Declaration | element revisionDesc { tido_att.common.attributes, change+ } |
Note | It is recommended that changes be recorded in reverse chronological order, with the most recent alteration first. |
Note | This element is modelled on an element in the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) standard. |
<samplingDecl> (sampling declaration) – Contains a prose description of the rationale and methods used in sampling texts in the creation of a corpus or collection. | |
Module | MEI.header — Specifications |
Attributes | att.common (@n) (att.commonPart (@label, @xml:base) ( (@xml:id)) ) |
Member of | |
Contained by | MEI.header: encodingDesc |
May contain | MEI.shared: p |
Declaration | element samplingDecl { tido_att.common.attributes, model.headLike*, model.pLike+ } |
Note | This element is modelled on an element in the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) standard. |
<score> Full score view of the musical content. | |
Module | MEI.shared — Specifications |
Attributes | att.common (@n) (att.commonPart (@label, @xml:base) ( (@xml:id)) ) att.typed (@type, @subtype) |
Member of | |
Contained by | MEI.shared: mdiv |
May contain | |
Declaration | element score { tido_att.common.attributes, tido_att.typed.attributes, ( model.appLike | model.divLike | | model.annotLike | model.graphicprimitiveLike | model.editLike | model.transcriptionLike | model.scorePart )* } |
Note | Since the <measure> element is optional, a score may consist entirely of pagebreaks, each of which points to a page image. <div> elements are allowed preceding and following sections of music data in order to accommodate blocks of explanatory text. |
<scoreDef> (score definition) – Container for score meta-information. | |
Module | MEI.shared — Specifications |
Attributes | att.common (@n) (att.commonPart (@label, @xml:base) ( (@xml:id)) ) |
Member of | |
Contained by | |
May contain | |
Declaration | element scoreDef { tido_att.common.attributes, model.chordTableLike?, model.symbolTableLike?, model.keySigLike?, model.meterSigLike?, pgHead?, pgHead2?, pgFoot?, pgFoot2?, instrGrp?, model.staffGrpLike?, grpSym* } |
<scoreFormat> Describes the type of score used to represent a musical composition (e.g., short score, full score, condensed score, close score, etc.). | |
Module | MEI.header — Specifications |
Attributes | att.common (@n) (att.commonPart (@label, @xml:base) ( (@xml:id)) ) |
Member of | |
Contained by | MEI.header: physDesc |
May contain | Character data only |
Declaration | element scoreFormat { tido_att.common.attributes, text } |
<section> Segment of music data. | |
Module | MEI.shared — Specifications |
Attributes | att.common (@n) (att.commonPart (@label, @xml:base) ( (@xml:id)) ) att.typed (@type, @subtype) |
Member of | |
Contained by | |
May contain | |
Declaration | element section { tido_att.common.attributes, tido_att.typed.attributes, expansion*, ( model.appLike | model.divLike | | model.annotLike | model.graphicprimitiveLike | model.editLike | model.transcriptionLike | model.sectionPart )* } |
Schematron |
<sch:rule context="mei:section[mei:expansion]">
<sch:assert test="descendant::mei:section|descendant::mei:ending|descendant::mei:rdg">Must have descendant section, ending, or rdg elements that can be pointed
to.</sch:assert></sch:rule> |
Note | This element functions as a container for actual music data. Pointing attributes make it possible to connect this element to other internal or external entities, such as media objects or annotations. |
<segmentation> Describes the principles according to which the musical text has been segmented, for example into movements, sections, etc. | |
Module | MEI.header — Specifications |
Attributes | att.common (@n) (att.commonPart (@label, @xml:base) ( (@xml:id)) ) |
Member of | |
Contained by | MEI.header: editorialDecl |
May contain | MEI.shared: p |
Declaration | element segmentation { tido_att.common.attributes, model.pLike+ } |
Note | This element is modelled on an element in the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) standard. |
<seriesStmt> (series statement) – Groups information about the series, if any, to which a publication belongs. | |
Module | MEI.header — Specifications |
Attributes | att.common (@n) (att.commonPart (@label, @xml:base) ( (@xml:id)) ) |
Member of | |
Contained by | MEI.header: fileDesc seriesStmt source |
May contain | MEI.header: contents seriesStmt |
Declaration | element seriesStmt { tido_att.common.attributes, model.titleLike+, ( editor | respStmt )*, ( model.identifierLike | biblScope | contents | seriesStmt )* } |
Note | The <title> sub-element records the series title, the <respStmt> element records the person or group responsible for the series, and the <identifier> element contains a series identifier. The <contents> element should be used when it is necessary to enumerate the content of the series, but not describe each component. The <seriesStmt> element is provided within seriesStmt for the description of a sub-series. |
Note | This element is modelled on an element in the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) standard. |
<slur> Indication of 1) a "unified melodic idea" or 2) performance technique. | |
Module | MEI.cmn — Specifications |
Attributes | att.common (@n) (att.commonPart (@label, @xml:base) ( (@xml:id)) ) att.slur.log (att.spanning.req (att.timestamp.musical (@tstamp)) (att.timestamp2.musical (@tstamp2)) (att.startendid (@endid) (att.startid (@startid)) ) (att.staffident (@staff)) (att.layerident (@layer)) ) att.typed (@type, @subtype) |
Member of | |
Contained by | MEI.cmn: measure |
May contain | Empty element |
Declaration | element slur { tido_att.common.attributes, tido_att.slur.log.attributes, tido_att.typed.attributes, curve* } |
Schematron |
<sch:rule context="mei:slur">
<sch:assert test="@startid or @tstamp or @tstamp.ges or @tstamp.real">Must have one of
the attributes: startid, tstamp, tstamp.ges or tstamp.real</sch:assert>
<sch:assert test="@dur or @dur.ges or @endid or @tstamp2">Must have one of the
attributes: dur, dur.ges, endid, or tstamp2</sch:assert></sch:rule> |
Example | A valid <slur> with tstamp and tstamp2 attributes <slur tstamp="1" tstamp2="0m+2"
xml:id="d089"/> |
Example | A valid <slur> with startid and endid attributes <slur startid="#n01" endid="#n02"
xml:id="d090"/> |
Example | A valid <slur> with tstamp and endid attributes <slur tstamp="1" endid="#n02" xml:id="d091"/> |
Example | A valid <slur> with startid and tstamp2 attributes <slur startid="#n01" tstamp2="0m+2"
xml:id="d092"/> |
Example | A valid <slur> with a single value in staff and a layer attribute <slur xml:id="d093" layer="1" staff="1"
tstamp="1" tstamp2="0m+2"/> |
Example | An invalid <slur> without an attribute for the end point <slur xml:id="d094" startid="#n01"/> |
Example | An invalid <slur> without an attribute for the start point <slur xml:id="d095" endid="#n02"/> |
Note | Historically, the term "slur" indicated two notes performed legato, while the term "phrase" was used for a "unified melodic idea". Nowadays, however, "slur" often has the same meaning as "phrase", since the visual rendition of the two concepts is the same. Generic MEI provides two distinct elements so that those users wishing to maintain a distinction for historical reasons may do so. This basic MEI customization does not maintain this distiction, and employs the more generic <slur> element. |
<soundChan> (sound channels) – Reflects the number of apparent sound channels in the playback of a recording (monaural, stereophonic, quadraphonic, etc.). | |||||||
Module | MEI.header — Specifications | ||||||
Attributes | att.common (@n) (att.commonPart (@label, @xml:base) ( (@xml:id)) )
| ||||||
Member of | |||||||
Contained by | MEI.header: physDesc | ||||||
May contain | |||||||
Declaration | element soundChan { tido_att.common.attributes, attribute num { xsd:positiveInteger }?, ( text | )* } | ||||||
Note | The number of apparent playback channels can differ from the number of physical channels of the recording medium, i.e., 2-track monophonic recordings. In this example, the soundChan element should record the fact that there is a single output channel, while the <trackConfig> element should capture the existence of two physical tracks. This element is analogous to MARC field 344 subfield g. |
<source> A bibliographic description of a source used in the creation of the electronic file. | |
Module | MEI.header — Specifications |
Attributes | att.common (@n) (att.commonPart (@label, @xml:base) ( (@xml:id)) ) |
Contained by | MEI.header: sourceDesc |
May contain | |
Declaration | element source { tido_att.common.attributes, model.identifierLike*, titleStmt?, tido_macro.bibldescPart, history?, langUsage?, contents?, biblList*, notesStmt?, classification?, itemList?, componentGrp?, relationList? } |
Note | Multiple <physDesc> sub-elements may be used to describe the physically separate parts of a single source. The data attribute may be used to reference one or more features that occur in this particular source. A URI referencing a description of the related item may be placed in the target attribute. |
Note | This element is modelled on elements in the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) and Encoded Archival Description (EAD) standards. |
<sourceDesc> (source description) – A container for the descriptions of the source(s) used in the creation of the electronic file. | |
Module | MEI.header — Specifications |
Attributes | att.common (@n) (att.commonPart (@label, @xml:base) ( (@xml:id)) ) |
Contained by | MEI.header: fileDesc |
May contain | MEI.header: source |
Declaration | element sourceDesc { tido_att.common.attributes, model.headLike*, source+ } |
Note | This element is recommended where the MEI file is a transcription of existing music, but is not required when the data is originally created in MEI form. |
<space/> A placeholder used to fill an incomplete measure, layer, etc. most often so that the combined duration of the events equals the number of beats in the measure. | |
Module | MEI.shared — Specifications |
Attributes | att.common (@n) (att.commonPart (@label, @xml:base) ( (@xml:id)) ) (att.duration.musical.req (@dur)) (att.augmentdots (@dots)) (att.event (att.timestamp.musical (@tstamp)) (att.staffident (@staff)) (att.layerident (@layer)) ) |
Member of | |
Contained by | |
May contain | Empty element |
Declaration | element space { tido_att.common.attributes,, empty } |
<specRepro> (special reproduction characteristic) – The equalization system, noise reduction system, etc. used in making the recording (e.g., NAB, DBX, Dolby, etc.). | |
Module | MEI.header — Specifications |
Attributes | att.common (@n) (att.commonPart (@label, @xml:base) ( (@xml:id)) ) |
Member of | |
Contained by | MEI.header: physDesc |
May contain | |
Declaration | element specRepro { tido_att.common.attributes, ( text | )* } |
<staff> A group of equidistant horizontal lines on which notes are placed in order to represent pitch or a grouping element for individual 'strands' of notes, rests, etc. that may or may not actually be rendered on staff lines; that is, both diastematic and non-diastematic signs. | |||||||
Module | MEI.shared — Specifications | ||||||
Attributes | att.commonPart (@label, @xml:base) ( (@xml:id))
| ||||||
Member of | |||||||
Contained by | MEI.cmn: measure | ||||||
May contain | MEI.shared: layer | ||||||
Declaration | element staff { tido_att.commonPart.attributes, attribute n { xsd:positiveInteger }, ( model.appLike | model.divLike | | model.annotLike | model.graphicprimitiveLike | model.editLike | model.transcriptionLike | model.staffPart )* } | ||||||
Example | A valid staff element with a positive integer n value <measure n="1" xml:id="d080">
<staff n="1" xml:id="d081">
<layer n="1" xml:id="d082"/>
</measure> | ||||||
Example | An invalid staff element missing n <measure n="1" xml:id="d083">
<staff xml:id="d084">
<layer n="1" xml:id="d085"/>
</measure> | ||||||
Example | An invalid staff element with a non-integer n <measure n="1" xml:id="d086">
<staff n="s1" xml:id="d087">
<layer n="1" xml:id="d088"/>
</measure> | ||||||
Note | The def attribute may be used to create a connection with a <staffDef> element where logical and visual information about the staff is recorded. Alternatively, the n attribute may be used as a reference to a <staffDef> element with the same value in its n attribute. If neither def nor n attributes are present, then the encoding order of the staves is presumed to match the encoding order of the staff defintions. |
<staffDef> (staff definition) – Container for staff meta-information. | |||||||
Module | MEI.shared — Specifications | ||||||
Attributes | att.commonPart (@label, @xml:base) ( (@xml:id)) att.staffDef.vis (, @layerscheme, @lines, @lines.color, @lines.visible, @spacing)
| ||||||
Member of | |||||||
Contained by | |||||||
May contain | |||||||
Declaration | element staffDef { tido_att.commonPart.attributes, tido_att.staffDef.vis.attributes, attribute n { xsd:positiveInteger }, model.labelLike*, ( model.instrDefLike | model.layerDefLike | model.staffDefPart )* } | ||||||
Schematron |
<sch:rule context="mei:staffDef">
<sch:let name="thisstaff" value="@n"/>
<sch:assert test="@n">A staffDef must have an n attribute.</sch:assert>
<sch:assert test="@lines or preceding::mei:staffDef[@n=$thisstaff and @lines]">The first
occurrence of a staff must declare the number of staff lines.</sch:assert>
<sch:assert test="count(mei:clef) + count(mei:clefGrp) < 2">Only one clef or clefGrp
is permitted.</sch:assert></sch:rule> | ||||||
Schematron |
<sch:rule context="mei:staffDef[ancestor::mei:staff]">
<sch:let name="thisstaff" value="@n"/>
<sch:assert test="ancestor::mei:staff/@n eq $thisstaff">If a staffDef appears in a
staff, it must bear the same @n than this staff.</sch:assert></sch:rule> | ||||||
Schematron |
<sch:rule context="mei:staffDef[@clef.line and @lines]">
<sch:assert test="number(@clef.line) <= number(@lines)">The clef position must be
less than or equal to the number of lines on the staff.</sch:assert></sch:rule> | ||||||
Schematron |
<sch:rule context="mei:staffDef[@clef.line and not(@lines)]">
<sch:let name="thisstaff" value="@n"/>
<sch:let name="stafflines"
value="preceding::mei:staffDef[@n=$thisstaff and @lines][1]/@lines"/>
<sch:assert test="number(@clef.line) <= number($stafflines)">The clef position must
be less than or equal to the number of lines on the staff.</sch:assert></sch:rule> | ||||||
Schematron |
<sch:rule context="mei:staffDef[@tab.strings and @lines]">
<sch:let name="countTokens"
value="count(tokenize(normalize-space(@tab.strings), '\s'))"/>
<sch:assert test="$countTokens = 1 or $countTokens = @lines">The tab.strings attribute
must have the same number of values as there are staff lines.</sch:assert></sch:rule> | ||||||
Schematron |
<sch:rule context="mei:staffDef[@tab.strings and not(@lines)]">
<sch:let name="countTokens"
value="count(tokenize(normalize-space(@tab.strings), '\s'))"/>
<sch:let name="thisStaff" value="@n"/>
<sch:assert test="$countTokens = 1 or $countTokens = preceding::mei:staffDef[@n=$thisStaff
and @lines][1]/@lines">The tab.strings attribute must have the same number of values as there are staff
lines.</sch:assert></sch:rule> | ||||||
Schematron |
<sch:rule context="mei:staffDef[@lines.color and @lines]">
<sch:let name="countTokens"
value="count(tokenize(normalize-space(@lines.color), '\s'))"/>
<sch:assert test="$countTokens = 1 or $countTokens = @lines">The lines.color attribute
must have either 1) a single value or 2) the same number of values as there are
staff lines.</sch:assert></sch:rule>
<sch:rule context="mei:staffDef[@lines.color and not(@lines)]">
<sch:let name="countTokens"
value="count(tokenize(normalize-space(@lines.color), '\s'))"/>
<sch:let name="thisStaff" value="@n"/>
<sch:assert test="$countTokens = 1 or $countTokens = preceding::mei:staffDef[@n=$thisStaff
and @lines][1]/@lines">The lines.color attribute must have either 1) a single value or 2) the same number
of values as there are staff lines.</sch:assert></sch:rule></sch:pattern> | ||||||
Schematron |
<sch:rule context="mei:staffDef[@ppq][ancestor::mei:scoreDef[@ppq]]">
<sch:let name="staffPPQ" value="@ppq"/>
<sch:let name="scorePPQ"
<sch:assert test="($scorePPQ mod $staffPPQ) = 0">The value of ppq must be a factor of
the value of ppq on an ancestor scoreDef.</sch:assert></sch:rule></sch:pattern> | ||||||
Schematron |
<sch:rule context="mei:staffDef[@ppq][preceding::mei:scoreDef[@ppq]]">
<sch:let name="staffPPQ" value="@ppq"/>
<sch:let name="scorePPQ"
<sch:assert test="($scorePPQ mod $staffPPQ) = 0">The value of ppq must be a factor of
the value of ppq on a preceding scoreDef.</sch:assert></sch:rule></sch:pattern> | ||||||
Example | A valid <staffDef> with an n attribute <staffDef lines="5" xml:id="d107" n="1"/> | ||||||
Example | An invalid <staffDef> missing the n attribute <staffDef lines="5" xml:id="d108"/> | ||||||
Example | A valid <staffDef> containing all required attributes and a <clef/> child element <staffDef lines="5" xml:id="d109" n="2">
<clef shape="G" line="2" xml:id="d110"/>
</staffDef> | ||||||
Example | A valid <staffDef> containing all required attributes and a <meterSig/> child element <staffDef lines="5" xml:id="d111" n="3">
<meterSig count="4" unit="4" xml:id="d112"/>
</staffDef> |
<staffGrp> (staff group) – A group of bracketed or braced staves. | |
Module | MEI.shared — Specifications |
Attributes | att.common (@n) (att.commonPart (@label, @xml:base) ( (@xml:id)) ) att.staffGrp.vis (@barthru) (att.staffgroupingsym (@symbol)) |
Member of | |
Contained by | |
May contain | |
Declaration | element staffGrp { tido_att.common.attributes, tido_att.staffGrp.vis.attributes, grpSym*, model.labelLike*, model.instrDefLike*, ( model.staffGrpLike | model.staffDefLike )+, grpSym* } |
Schematron |
<sch:rule context="mei:staffGrp">
<sch:let name="countstaves"
<sch:let name="countuniqstaves"
<sch:assert test="$countstaves eq $countuniqstaves">Each staffDef must have a unique
value for the n attribute.</sch:assert></sch:rule> |
Note | System is the more proper name for this concept (Read, p. 37-38). Bracketed staff groups may contain other bracketed or braced staff groups or single staves. See Read, p. 35-38, examples p. 434, 438. |
<stdVals> (standard values) – Specifies the format used when standardized date or number values are supplied. | |
Module | MEI.header — Specifications |
Attributes | att.common (@n) (att.commonPart (@label, @xml:base) ( (@xml:id)) ) |
Member of | |
Contained by | MEI.header: editorialDecl |
May contain | MEI.shared: p |
Declaration | element stdVals { tido_att.common.attributes, model.pLike+ } |
Note | This element is modelled on an element in the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) standard. |
<styleName> (style name) – A label for a characteristic style of writing or performance, such as 'bebop' or 'rock-n-roll'. | |
Module | MEI.namesdates — Specifications |
Attributes | att.common (@n) (att.commonPart (@label, @xml:base) ( (@xml:id)) ) (@nymref, @role) att.typed (@type, @subtype) |
Member of | |
Contained by | MEI.header: accessRestrict acqSource audience byline captureMode carrierForm condition contentItem context dimensions exhibHist hand inscription language otherChar perfDuration physMedium plateNum playingSpeed price provenance soundChan specRepro sysReq term trackConfig treatHist treatSched useRestrict watermark MEI.namesdates: corpName geogName periodName persName styleName MEI.ptrref: ref |
May contain | |
Declaration | element styleName { tido_att.common.attributes,, tido_att.typed.attributes, ( text | model.textphraseLike | model.editLike | model.transcriptionLike )* } |
Note | Do not confuse this element with the <periodName> element. The name of the list from which a controlled value is taken may be recorded using the authority attribute. |
<sysReq> (system requirements) – System requirements for using the electronic item. | |
Module | MEI.header — Specifications |
Attributes | att.common (@n) (att.commonPart (@label, @xml:base) ( (@xml:id)) ) |
Member of | |
Contained by | MEI.header: availability |
May contain | |
Declaration | element sysReq { tido_att.common.attributes, ( text | )* } |
<term> Keyword or phrase which describes a resource. | |
Module | MEI.header — Specifications |
Attributes | att.common (@n) (att.commonPart (@label, @xml:base) ( (@xml:id)) ) att.classcodeident (@classcode) att.typed (@type, @subtype) |
Contained by | |
May contain | |
Declaration | element term { tido_att.common.attributes, tido_att.classcodeident.attributes, tido_att.typed.attributes, ( text | term | )* } |
Note | The classcode attribute may be used to link the term to a terminological source given in a <classCode> element. The <term> element may include other <term> elements in order to allow the creation of coordinated terms; i.e., terms created from a combination of other, independent terms. |
Note | This element is modelled on an element in the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) standard. |
<termList> Collection of text phrases which describe a resource. | |
Module | MEI.header — Specifications |
Attributes | att.common (@n) (att.commonPart (@label, @xml:base) ( (@xml:id)) ) att.classcodeident (@classcode) att.typed (@type, @subtype) |
Contained by | MEI.header: classification |
May contain | MEI.header: term |
Declaration | element termList { tido_att.common.attributes, tido_att.classcodeident.attributes, tido_att.typed.attributes, model.headLike*, ( model.labelLike?, term )* } |
<tie> An indication that two notes of the same pitch form a single note with their combined rhythmic values. | |
Module | MEI.cmn — Specifications |
Attributes | att.common (@n) (att.commonPart (@label, @xml:base) ( (@xml:id)) ) att.tie.log (att.controlevent (att.staffident.req (@staff)) (att.timestamp.musical (@tstamp)) (att.layerident (@layer)) ) (att.startendid (@endid) (att.startid (@startid)) ) (att.timestamp2.musical (@tstamp2)) att.typed (@type, @subtype) |
Member of | |
Contained by | MEI.cmn: measure |
May contain | Empty element |
Declaration | element tie { tido_att.common.attributes, tido_att.tie.log.attributes, tido_att.typed.attributes, curve* } |
Schematron |
<sch:rule context="mei:tie">
<sch:assert test="@startid or @tstamp or @tstamp.ges or @tstamp.real">Must have one of
the attributes: startid, tstamp, tstamp.ges or tstamp.real</sch:assert>
<sch:assert test="@dur or @dur.ges or @endid or @tstamp2">Must have one of the
attributes: dur, dur.ges, endid, or tstamp2</sch:assert></sch:rule> |
Schematron |
<sch:rule context="mei:tie[mei:curve[@bezier or @bulge or @curvedir or @lform or @lwidth
or @ho or @startho or @endho or @to or @startto or @endto
or @vo or @startvo or @endvo or @x or @y or @x2 or @y2]]">
<sch:assert test="not(@bezier or @bulge or @curvedir or @lform or @lwidth or @ho or
@startho or @endho or @to or @startto or @endto or @vo
or @startvo or @endvo or @x or @y or @x2 or @y2)"
role="warning">The visual attributes of the tie (@bezier, @bulge, @curvedir, @lform,
@lwidth, @ho, @startho, @endho, @to, @startto, @endto, @vo, @startvo, @endvo, @x, @y,
@x2, and @y2) will be overridden by visual attributes of the contained curve
elements.</sch:assert></sch:rule> |
Note | Most often, a tie is rendered as a curved line connecting the two notes. See Read, p. 110-111, 122. |
<title> Title of a bibliographic entity. | |||||||||||||||||||||
Module | MEI.shared — Specifications | ||||||||||||||||||||
Attributes | att.common (@n) (att.commonPart (@label, @xml:base) ( (@xml:id)) )
| ||||||||||||||||||||
Member of | |||||||||||||||||||||
Contained by | MEI.header: accessRestrict acqSource audience byline captureMode carrierForm condition contentItem context dimensions exhibHist hand inscription language otherChar perfDuration physMedium plateNum playingSpeed price provenance seriesStmt soundChan specRepro sysReq term titleStmt trackConfig treatHist treatSched useRestrict watermark MEI.namesdates: corpName geogName periodName persName styleName MEI.ptrref: ref | ||||||||||||||||||||
May contain | |||||||||||||||||||||
Declaration | element title { tido_att.common.attributes, attribute level { text }?, attribute type { "main" | "subordinate" | "abbreviated" | "alternative" | "translated" | "uniform" | xsd:NMTOKEN }?, attribute subtype { xsd:NMTOKEN }?, ( text | model.textphraseLike | model.editLike | model.transcriptionLike )* } | ||||||||||||||||||||
Note | The type attribute may be used to classify the title according to some convenient typology. Sample values include: main (main title), subordinate (subtitle, title of part), abbreviated (abbreviated form of title), alternative (alternate title by which the work is also known), translated (translated form of title), uniform (collective title). The type attribute is provided for convenience in analysing titles and processing them according to their type; where such specialized processing is not necessary, there is no need for such analysis, and the entire title, including subtitles and any parallel titles, may be enclosed within a single <title> element. Title parts may be encoded in <title> sub-elements. The name of the list from which a controlled value is taken may be recorded using the authority attribute. The number of initial characters (such as those constituing an article or preposition) that should not be used for sorting a title or name may be indicated in the nonfiling attribute. | ||||||||||||||||||||
Note | This element is modelled on an element in the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) standard. |
<titleStmt> (title statement) – Container for title and responsibility meta-data. | |
Module | MEI.header — Specifications |
Attributes | att.common (@n) (att.commonPart (@label, @xml:base) ( (@xml:id)) ) |
Contained by | |
May contain | |
Declaration | element titleStmt { tido_att.common.attributes, model.titleLike+, model.respLike* } |
Note | This element is modelled on an element in the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) standard. |
<trackConfig> (track configuration) – Number of physical/input tracks on a sound medium (e.g., eight track, twelve track). | |||||||
Module | MEI.header — Specifications | ||||||
Attributes | att.common (@n) (att.commonPart (@label, @xml:base) ( (@xml:id)) )
| ||||||
Member of | |||||||
Contained by | MEI.header: physDesc | ||||||
May contain | |||||||
Declaration | element trackConfig { tido_att.common.attributes, attribute num { xsd:positiveInteger }?, ( text | )* } | ||||||
Note | The number of apparent playback channels can differ from the number of physical channels of the recording medium, i.e., 2-track monophonic recordings. In this example, the trackConfig element should record the fact that there are two physical tracks on the sound medium, while the <soundChan> element should be used to state that there is a single output channel. This element may be mapped to MARC field 344 subfield e or subfield f as appropriate. |
<treatHist> (treatment history) – A record of the treatment the item has undergone (e.g., de-acidification, restoration, etc.). | |
Module | MEI.header — Specifications |
Attributes | att.common (@n) (att.commonPart (@label, @xml:base) ( (@xml:id)) ) |
Member of | |
Contained by | MEI.header: physDesc |
May contain | |
Declaration | element treatHist { tido_att.common.attributes, ( text | )* } |
Note | Treatment history may also comprise details of the treatment process (e.g., chemical solutions used, techniques applied, etc.), the date the treatment was applied, etc. |
Note | This element is modelled on an element in the Encoded Archival Description (EAD) standard. |
<treatSched> (treatment scheduled) – Scheduled treatment, e.g. de-acidification, restoration, etc., for an item. | |
Module | MEI.header — Specifications |
Attributes | att.common (@n) (att.commonPart (@label, @xml:base) ( (@xml:id)) ) |
Member of | |
Contained by | MEI.header: physDesc |
May contain | |
Declaration | element treatSched { tido_att.common.attributes, ( text | )* } |
Note | This element is modelled on an element in the Encoded Archival Description (EAD) standard. |
<unpub> (unpublished) – Used to explicitly indicate that a bibliographic resource is unpublished. | |
Module | MEI.header — Specifications |
Attributes | att.common (@n) (att.commonPart (@label, @xml:base) ( (@xml:id)) ) |
Contained by | MEI.header: pubStmt |
May contain | Character data only |
Declaration | element unpub { tido_att.common.attributes, text } |
Note | A short phrase indicating the nature of or the reason for the unpublished status may be given as the element's content. |
<useRestrict> (usage restrictions) – Container for information about the conditions that affect use of a bibliographic item after access has been granted. | |
Module | MEI.header — Specifications |
Attributes | att.common (@n) (att.commonPart (@label, @xml:base) ( (@xml:id)) ) |
Member of | |
Contained by | MEI.header: availability |
May contain | |
Declaration | element useRestrict { tido_att.common.attributes, ( text | )* } |
Note | <useRestrict> may indicate limitations imposed by an owner, repository, or legal statute (for example, copyright law) regarding the reproduction, publication, or quotation of the item. It may also indicate the absence of restrictions, such as when rights have been ceded to the public domain. Do not confuse this element with the <accessRestrict> element, which holds information about conditions affecting the availability of the material. |
Note | This element is modelled on an element in the Encoded Archival Description (EAD) standard. |
<watermark> Contains a description of a watermark or similar device. | |
Module | MEI.header — Specifications |
Attributes | att.common (@n) (att.commonPart (@label, @xml:base) ( (@xml:id)) ) |
Member of | |
Contained by | MEI.header: physDesc |
May contain | |
Declaration | element watermark { tido_att.common.attributes, ( text | )* } |
Note | The facs attribute may be used to record the location of the watermark in a facsimile image. |
Note | This element is modelled on an element in the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) standard. |
<work> Provides a detailed description of a work, specifically its history, language use, and high-level musical attributes: key, tempo, meter, medium of performance, and intended duration. | |
Module | MEI.header — Specifications |
Attributes | att.common (@n) (att.commonPart (@label, @xml:base) ( (@xml:id)) ) |
Contained by | MEI.header: workDesc |
May contain | |
Declaration | element work { tido_att.common.attributes, model.identifierLike*, titleStmt?, model.workIdent*, otherChar*, creation?, history?, langUsage?, perfMedium?, perfDuration?, audience?, contents?, context?, biblList*, notesStmt?, classification?, expressionList?, componentGrp?, relationList? } |
Note | The <perfDuration> element captures the intended duration of the work. |
<workDesc> (work description) – Grouping mechanism for information describing non-bibliographic aspects of a text. | |
Module | MEI.header — Specifications |
Attributes | att.common (@n) (att.commonPart (@label, @xml:base) ( (@xml:id)) ) |
Member of | |
Contained by | MEI.header: meiHead |
May contain | MEI.header: work |
Declaration | element workDesc { tido_att.common.attributes, work+ } |
model.addressLike Groups elements used to represent a postal address. | |
Module | MEI.shared — Specifications |
Used by | |
Members | address |
model.controleventLike Groups elements, such as dynamics, ties, phrase marks, pedal marks, etc., which depend upon other events, such as notes or rests, for their existence. | |
Module | MEI.shared — Specifications |
Used by | |
Members | model.controleventLike.cmn[hairpin pedal slur tie] dynam ornam |
model.controleventLike.cmn Groups control events that appear in CMN. | |
Module | MEI.cmn — Specifications |
Used by | |
Members | hairpin pedal slur tie |
model.editorialDeclPart Groups elements that may appear as part of a description of the editorial process applied to the encoding of notation. | |
Module | MEI.header — Specifications |
Used by | |
Members | correction interpretation normalization segmentation stdVals |
model.encodingPart Groups elements that may appear as part of information regarding the encoding process. | |
Module | MEI.header — Specifications |
Used by | |
Members | appInfo editorialDecl projectDesc samplingDecl |
model.endingLike Groups elements that represent alternative endings. | |
Module | MEI.shared — Specifications |
Used by | |
Members | ending |
model.eventLike Groups event elements that occur in all notational repertoires. | |
Module | MEI.shared — Specifications |
Used by | |
Members | model.eventLike.cmn[beam] model.keySigLike[keySig] model.meterSigLike[meterSig] chord clef note rest space |
model.eventLike.cmn Groups events that appear in CMN. | |
Module | MEI.cmn — Specifications |
Used by | |
Members | beam |
model.eventLike.measureFilling Groups events that appear in CMN and that completely fill a measure. | |
Module | MEI.cmn — Specifications |
Used by | |
Members | mRest |
model.headerPart Groups elements that may appear as part of the MEI header. | |
Module | MEI.header — Specifications |
Used by | |
Members | encodingDesc workDesc |
model.keySigLike Groups elements that have the same function as a key signature. | |
Module | MEI.shared — Specifications |
Used by | |
Members | keySig |
model.layerLike Groups elements that function as notational layers within a staff. | |
Module | MEI.shared — Specifications |
Used by | |
Members | layer |
model.layerPart Groups notated events that may appear at the layer level in all repertoires. | |
Module | MEI.shared — Specifications |
Used by | |
Members | model.eventLike[model.eventLike.cmn[beam] model.keySigLike[keySig] model.meterSigLike[meterSig] chord clef note rest space] model.layerPart.cmn[model.eventLike.measureFilling[mRest]] |
model.layerPart.cmn Groups notated events that may appear at the layer level in CMN. | |
Module | MEI.cmn — Specifications |
Used by | |
Members | model.eventLike.measureFilling[mRest] |
model.locrefLike Groups elements used for purposes of location and reference. | |
Module | MEI.ptrref — Specifications |
Used by | |
Members | ptr ref |
model.mdivLike Groups elements used to represent generic structural divisions of music notation. | |
Module | MEI.shared — Specifications |
Used by | |
Members | mdiv |
model.measureLike Groups measure-like elements. | |
Module | MEI.cmn — Specifications |
Used by | |
Members | measure |
model.measurePart Groups elements that may appear as part of a measure. | |
Module | MEI.cmn — Specifications |
Used by | |
Members | model.controleventLike[model.controleventLike.cmn[hairpin pedal slur tie] dynam ornam] model.ossiaLike model.staffLike[staff] |
model.measurementLike Groups elements that represent a measurement. | |
Module | MEI.shared — Specifications |
Used by | |
Members | model.numLike |
model.meterSigLike Groups elements that represent a meter signature. | |
Module | MEI.shared — Specifications |
Used by | |
Members | meterSig |
model.nameLike Groups elements that contain names. | |
Module | MEI.shared — Specifications |
Used by | |
Members | model.nameLike.agent[corpName persName][model.nameLike.geogName[geogName] model.repositoryLike] |
model.nameLike.agent Groups elements which contain names of individuals or corporate bodies. | |
Module | MEI.namesdates — Specifications |
Used by | |
Members | corpName persName |
model.nameLike.geogName Groups geographic name elements. | |
Module | MEI.namesdates — Specifications |
Used by | |
Members | geogName |
model.nameLike.label Groups elements that serve as stylistic labels. | |
Module | MEI.namesdates — Specifications |
Used by | |
Members | periodName styleName | Groups place name elements. | |
Module | MEI.namesdates — Specifications |
Used by | |
Members | model.nameLike.geogName[geogName] model.repositoryLike |
model.noteModifierLike Groups elements that modify note-like features. | |
Module | MEI.shared — Specifications |
Used by | |
Members | accid |
model.pLike Groups paragraph-like elements. | |
Module | MEI.shared — Specifications |
Used by | |
Members | p |
model.paracontentPart Groups elements which may appear as part of the paragraph content model. A paragraph may contain inline elements and all the other block-level elements except lg and itself. | |
Module | MEI.shared — Specifications |
Used by | |
Members | model.textphraseLike[model.pbLike[model.addressLike[address] model.annotLike model.biblLike model.dateLike model.editorialLike model.identifierLike model.lbLike model.locrefLike[ptr ref] model.measurementLike[model.numLike] model.nameLike[model.nameLike.agent[corpName persName][model.nameLike.geogName[geogName] model.repositoryLike]] model.nameLike.label[periodName styleName] model.rendLike[rend] model.titleLike[title]]] |
model.physDescPart Groups elements that may appear as part of the physical description of a bibliographic item. | |
Module | MEI.header — Specifications |
Used by | |
Members | model.frontPart captureMode carrierForm condition dimensions exhibHist fileChar fingerprint handList inscription perfDuration physMedium plateNum playingSpeed scoreFormat soundChan specRepro trackConfig treatHist treatSched watermark |
model.pubStmtPart Groups elements that may appear as part of the publication statement for a bibliographic item. | |
Module | MEI.header — Specifications |
Used by | |
Members | model.addressLike[address] model.dateLike model.identifierLike availability respStmt |
model.rendLike Groups elements that mark typographical features. | |
Module | MEI.shared — Specifications |
Used by | |
Members | rend |
model.respLike Groups elements that are used to indicate intellectual or other significant responsibility, for example within a bibliographic citation. | |
Module | MEI.shared — Specifications |
Used by | |
Members | model.respLikePart respStmt |
model.scoreDefLike Groups elements that provide score meta-information. | |
Module | MEI.shared — Specifications |
Used by | |
Members | scoreDef |
model.scoreLike Groups elements that represent a score. | |
Module | MEI.shared — Specifications |
Used by | |
Members | score |
model.scorePart Groups elements that may appear as part of a score. | |
Module | MEI.shared — Specifications |
Used by | |
Members | model.endingLike[ending] model.scoreDefLike[scoreDef] model.sectionLike[section] model.staffDefLike[staffDef] |
model.sectionLike Groups elements that represent a segment of music notation. | |
Module | MEI.shared — Specifications |
Used by | |
Members | section |
model.sectionPart Groups elements that may appear as part of a section. | |
Module | MEI.shared — Specifications |
Used by | |
Members | model.endingLike[ending] model.scoreDefLike[scoreDef] model.sectionLike[section] model.sectionPart.cmn[model.measureLike[measure]] model.staffDefLike[staffDef] |
model.sectionPart.cmn Groups elements that may appear as part of a section. | |
Module | MEI.cmn — Specifications |
Used by | |
Members | model.measureLike[measure] |
model.staffDefLike Groups elements that permit declaration of staff properties. | |
Module | MEI.shared — Specifications |
Used by | |
Members | staffDef |
model.staffDefPart Groups elements that may appear more than once in the declaration of staff features. | |
Module | MEI.shared — Specifications |
Used by | |
Members | model.keySigLike[keySig] model.meterSigLike[meterSig] clef |
model.staffGrpLike Groups elements that permit declaration of staff group properties. | |
Module | MEI.shared — Specifications |
Used by | |
Members | staffGrp |
model.staffLike Groups elements that function like staves. | |
Module | MEI.shared — Specifications |
Used by | |
Members | staff |
model.staffPart Groups elements that are components of a staff. | |
Module | MEI.shared — Specifications |
Used by | |
Members | model.layerLike[layer] model.ossiaLike |
model.textcomponentLike Groups block-level text elements. | |
Module | MEI.shared — Specifications |
Used by | |
Members | model.pLike[p] |
model.textphraseLike Phrase-level text elements. | |
Module | MEI.shared — Specifications |
Used by | |
Members | model.pbLike[model.addressLike[address] model.annotLike model.biblLike model.dateLike model.editorialLike model.identifierLike model.lbLike model.locrefLike[ptr ref] model.measurementLike[model.numLike] model.nameLike[model.nameLike.agent[corpName persName][model.nameLike.geogName[geogName] model.repositoryLike]] model.nameLike.label[periodName styleName] model.rendLike[rend] model.titleLike[title]] |
model.titleLike Groups elements that denote names of a bibliographic item. | |
Module | MEI.shared — Specifications |
Used by | |
Members | title |
model.workIdent Groups elements that assist in the identification of a work. | |
Module | MEI.header — Specifications |
Used by | |
Members | model.incipLike key mensuration meter |
att.accid.log Logical domain attributes. | |||||||
Module | MEI.shared — Specifications | ||||||
Members | accid | ||||||
Attributes | att.accidental (@accid) att.controlevent (att.staffident.req (@staff)) (att.timestamp.musical (@tstamp)) (att.layerident (@layer))
att.accidental Attributes for capturing momentary pitch inflection. | |||||||
Module | MEI.shared — Specifications | ||||||
Members | att.accid.log[accid] att.keySig.log[key keySig] | ||||||
Attributes |
att.accidental.performed Attributes for capturing momentary pitch inflection in the gestural domain. | |||||||
Module | MEI.shared — Specifications | ||||||
Members | att.note.ges[note] | ||||||
Attributes |
att.articulation Attributes for capturing the written signs that describe the method of performance. | |||||||
Module | MEI.shared — Specifications | ||||||
Members | att.chord.log[chord] att.note.log[note] | ||||||
Attributes |
att.augmentdots Attributes that record the number of dots of augmentation. | |||||||||
Module | MEI.shared — Specifications | ||||||||
Members | att.chord.log[chord] att.dynam.log[dynam] att.note.log[note][rest][space] | ||||||||
Attributes |
att.chord.log Logical domain attributes for chord. The artic, dots, and dur attributes encode the written articulations, augmentation dots, and duration values. The beam, fermata, lv, slur, syl, tie, and tuplet attributes may be used to indicate the attachment of these things to this chord. If visual information about these things needs to be recorded, then either the elements corresponding to these attributes or the attributes available in the att.vis.chord class should be employed. | |
Module | MEI.shared — Specifications |
Members | chord |
Attributes | att.duration.musical.req (@dur) att.event (att.timestamp.musical (@tstamp)) (att.staffident (@staff)) (att.layerident (@layer)) att.articulation (@artic) att.augmentdots (@dots) att.syltext (@syl) |
att.chord.vis Visual domain attributes for chord. The slur, slur.dir, slur.rend, tie, tie.dir, and tie.rend attributes here are syntactic sugar for these attributes on each of the chord's individual notes. The values here apply to all the notes in the chord. If some notes are slurred or tied while others aren't, then the individual note attributes must be used. | |||||||
Module | MEI.shared — Specifications | ||||||
Members | chord | ||||||
Attributes | att.stemdir.req (@stem.dir) att.typography (@fontfam, @fontname, @fontsize, @fontstyle, @fontweight)
att.classcodeident | |||||||||
Module | MEI.shared — Specifications | ||||||||
Members | term termList | ||||||||
Attributes |
att.clef.log Logical domain attributes. | |||||||
Module | MEI.shared — Specifications | ||||||
Members | clef | ||||||
Attributes | att.clefshape (@shape) att.lineloc (@line) att.octave (@oct)
att.clefshape Attributes that record the shape of a clef. | |||||||
Module | MEI.shared — Specifications | ||||||
Members | att.clef.log[clef] | ||||||
Attributes |
att.commonPart Attributes that form the basis of the att.common class. | |||||||||||||
Module | MEI.shared — Specifications | ||||||||||||
Members | att.common[accessRestrict accid acqSource addrLine address altId appInfo application audience availability beam body byline captureMode carrierForm change changeDesc chord classCode classification clef condition contentItem contents context corpName correction dimensions dynam editionStmt editorialDecl encodingDesc ending exhibHist fileChar fileDesc fingerprint geogName hairpin hand handList history incipCode incipText inscription interpretation key keySig langUsage language mRest mdiv measure meiHead mensuration meter meterSig music normalization note notesStmt ornam otherChar p pedal perfDuration perfMedium perfRes perfResList periodName persName physDesc physMedium plateNum playingSpeed price projectDesc provenance ptr pubStmt ref rend respStmt rest revisionDesc samplingDecl score scoreDef scoreFormat section segmentation seriesStmt slur soundChan source sourceDesc space specRepro staffGrp stdVals styleName sysReq term termList tie title titleStmt trackConfig treatHist treatSched unpub useRestrict watermark work workDesc] layer staff staffDef | ||||||||||||
Attributes | (@xml:id)
att.controlevent Attributes shared by events which rely on other events for their existence. For example, a slur/phrase marking must be drawn between or over a group of notes. The slur is therefore a control event. | |
Module | MEI.shared — Specifications |
Members | att.accid.log[accid] att.dynam.log[dynam] att.ornam.log[ornam] att.pedal.log[pedal] att.tie.log[tie] |
Attributes | att.staffident.req (@staff) att.timestamp.musical (@tstamp) att.layerident (@layer) |
Schematron | Require layer when staff has a single value and the element is not excluded from the rule.
<sch:rule context="mei:*[not(name() = ('slur', 'tie', 'accid'))][@staff][not(contains(@staff,
' '))]">
<sch:assert test="exists(@layer)">@layer must be present when @staff contains a single value.</sch:assert></sch:rule> |
Schematron | Require place when staff has a single value and the element is not excluded from the rule.
<sch:rule context="mei:*[not(name() = ('slur', 'tie', 'accid'))][@staff][not(contains(@staff,
' '))]">
<sch:assert test="exists(@place)">@place must be present when @staff contains a single value.</sch:assert></sch:rule> |
Schematron | Prohibit layer when staff has multiple values.
<sch:rule context="mei:*[@staff]">
<sch:assert test="not(contains(@staff, ' ') and @layer)">@layer must be absent when @staff contains multiple values.</sch:assert></sch:rule> |
Schematron | Prohibit place when staff has multiple values.
<sch:rule context="mei:*[@staff]">
<sch:assert test="not(contains(@staff, ' ') and @place)">@place must be absent when @staff contains multiple values.</sch:assert></sch:rule> |
att.cutout Attributes that indicate how to render staff lines of the measure containing an element belonging to this attribute class. | |||||||
Module | MEI.cmn — Specifications | ||||||
Members | att.mRest.vis[mRest] | ||||||
Attributes |
att.duration.musical Attributes that express duration in musical terms. | |||||||
Module | MEI.shared — Specifications | ||||||
Members | att.mRest.log[mRest] att.note.log[note] | ||||||
Attributes |
att.duration.musical.req Required attributes that express duration in musical terms. | |||||||
Module | MEI.shared — Specifications | ||||||
Members | att.chord.log[chord][rest][space] | ||||||
Attributes |
att.duration.ratio Attributes that describe duration as a ratio. | |||||||||||||
Module | MEI.shared — Specifications | ||||||||||||
Members | att.mensur.log[mensuration] | ||||||||||||
Attributes |
att.dynam.log Logical domain attributes. | |
Module | MEI.shared — Specifications |
Members | dynam |
Attributes | att.controlevent (att.staffident.req (@staff)) (att.timestamp.musical (@tstamp)) (att.layerident (@layer)) att.augmentdots (@dots) att.startendid (@endid) (att.startid (@startid)) att.timestamp2.musical (@tstamp2) |
att.dynam.vis Visual domain attributes. | |
Module | MEI.shared — Specifications |
Members | dynam |
Attributes | att.placement (@place) |
att.ending.anl Analytical domain attributes. | |
Module | MEI.shared — Specifications |
Members | ending |
Attributes |
att.ending.ges Gestural domain attributes. | |
Module | MEI.shared — Specifications |
Members | ending |
Attributes |
att.ending.log Logical domain attributes. | |
Module | MEI.shared — Specifications |
Members | ending |
Attributes |
att.ending.vis Visual domain attributes. | |
Module | MEI.shared — Specifications |
Members | ending |
Attributes |
att.event Attributes that apply to all written events, e.g., note, chord, rest, etc. | |
Module | MEI.shared — Specifications |
Members | att.chord.log[chord] att.mRest.log[mRest] att.note.log[note][rest][space] clef |
Attributes | att.timestamp.musical (@tstamp) att.staffident (@staff) att.layerident (@layer) |
att.graced Attributes that mark a note or chord as a "grace", how it should "steal" time, and how much time should be allotted to the grace note/chord. | |||||||||||||
Module | MEI.cmn — Specifications | ||||||||||||
Members | att.note.ges.cmn[att.note.ges[note]] | ||||||||||||
Attributes |
att.hairpin.log Logical domain attributes. | |||||||
Module | MEI.cmn — Specifications | ||||||
Members | hairpin | ||||||
Attributes | att.spanning.musical.req (att.timestamp.musical.req (@tstamp)) (att.timestamp2.musical.req (@tstamp2)) (att.staffident (@staff)) (att.layerident (@layer))
att.hairpin.vis Visual domain attributes. The startho and startvo attributes record the horizontal and vertical offsets of the left end, endho and endvo record the horizontal and vertical offsets of the right end, and the opening attribute records the width of the opening in staff inter-line units. The x and y attributes give the absolute coordinates of the left side of the top line of the hairpin while x2 and y2 record the coordinates of the right side of the top line. The position of the end points of the bottom line can be calculated using the top line coordinates and the value of the width attribute. | |||||||
Module | MEI.cmn — Specifications | ||||||
Members | hairpin | ||||||
Attributes | att.placement (@place)
| Attributes that uniquely identify an element. | |||||||
Module | MEI.shared — Specifications | ||||||
Members | att.commonPart[att.common[accessRestrict accid acqSource addrLine address altId appInfo application audience availability beam body byline captureMode carrierForm change changeDesc chord classCode classification clef condition contentItem contents context corpName correction dimensions dynam editionStmt editorialDecl encodingDesc ending exhibHist fileChar fileDesc fingerprint geogName hairpin hand handList history incipCode incipText inscription interpretation key keySig langUsage language mRest mdiv measure meiHead mensuration meter meterSig music normalization note notesStmt ornam otherChar p pedal perfDuration perfMedium perfRes perfResList periodName persName physDesc physMedium plateNum playingSpeed price projectDesc provenance ptr pubStmt ref rend respStmt rest revisionDesc samplingDecl score scoreDef scoreFormat section segmentation seriesStmt slur soundChan source sourceDesc space specRepro staffGrp stdVals styleName sysReq term termList tie title titleStmt trackConfig treatHist treatSched unpub useRestrict watermark work workDesc] layer staff staffDef] mei | ||||||
Attributes |
att.internetmedia Attributes which record the type of an electronic resource. | |||||||
Module | MEI.shared — Specifications | ||||||
Members | incipCode incipText ptr ref | ||||||
Attributes |
att.keySig.log Logical domain attributes. | |||||||
Module | MEI.shared — Specifications | ||||||
Members | key keySig | ||||||
Attributes | att.accidental (@accid) att.pitch (@pname)
att.layerident Attributes that identify the layer to which a feature applies. | |||||||
Module | MEI.shared — Specifications | ||||||
Members | att.controlevent[att.accid.log[accid] att.dynam.log[dynam] att.ornam.log[ornam] att.pedal.log[pedal] att.tie.log[tie]] att.event[att.chord.log[chord] att.mRest.log[mRest] att.note.log[note][rest][space] clef] att.spanning.musical.req[att.hairpin.log[hairpin]] att.spanning.req[att.slur.log[slur]] | ||||||
Attributes |
att.lineloc Attributes for identifying the staff line with which a feature is associated. | |||||||
Module | MEI.shared — Specifications | ||||||
Members | att.clef.log[clef] | ||||||
Attributes |
att.mRest.anl Analytical domain attributes. | |
Module | MEI.cmn — Specifications |
Members | mRest |
Attributes |
att.mRest.ges Gestural domain attributes. | |
Module | MEI.cmn — Specifications |
Members | mRest |
Attributes |
att.mRest.log Logical domain attributes. | |
Module | MEI.cmn — Specifications |
Members | mRest |
Attributes | att.duration.musical (@dur) att.event (att.timestamp.musical (@tstamp)) (att.staffident (@staff)) (att.layerident (@layer)) |
att.mRest.vis Visual domain attributes. | |
Module | MEI.cmn — Specifications |
Members | mRest |
Attributes | att.cutout (@cutout) att.staffloc (@loc) att.typography (@fontfam, @fontname, @fontsize, @fontstyle, @fontweight) |
att.measure.log Logical domain attributes. The n attribute contains a name or number associated with the measure (Read, p. 445). Often, this is an integer, but not always. For example, some measures, especially incomplete measures or those under an ending mark, may have labels that contain an integer plus a suffix, such as '12a'. Measures may even have labels, especially in editorial or analytical uses of MEI, that are entirely non-numeric strings. Measure numbers may be machine-generated instead of encoding them in the markup. However, an explicit measure number should restart numbering with the given value. The join attribute may be used to indicate another measure which metrically completes the current, incomplete one. | |||||||||||||
Module | MEI.shared — Specifications | ||||||||||||
Members | measure | ||||||||||||
Attributes | (@metcon, @control)
att.medium Attributes describing a writing medium, such as pencil or ink. | |||||||
Module | MEI.shared — Specifications | ||||||
Members | hand | ||||||
Attributes |
att.meiversion Attributes that record the version of MEI in use. | |||||||
Module | MEI.shared — Specifications | ||||||
Members | mei meiHead music | ||||||
Attributes |
att.mensur.log Logical domain attributes. | |||||||||||||
Module | MEI.shared — Specifications | ||||||||||||
Members | mensuration | ||||||||||||
Attributes | att.duration.ratio (@num, @numbase) att.slashcount (@slash)
att.meterSig.log Logical domain attributes. | |||||||||||||||||||
Module | MEI.shared — Specifications | ||||||||||||||||||
Members | meter meterSig | ||||||||||||||||||
Attributes |
| Attributes that provide information about a measure's conformance to the prevailing meter. | |||||||||||||
Module | MEI.shared — Specifications | ||||||||||||
Members | att.measure.log[measure] | ||||||||||||
Attributes |
| Attributes shared by names. | |||||||||||||||
Module | MEI.shared — Specifications | ||||||||||||||
Members | corpName geogName periodName persName styleName | ||||||||||||||
Attributes |
att.note.ges Gestural domain attributes. | |||||||||||||||||||
Module | MEI.shared — Specifications | ||||||||||||||||||
Members | note | ||||||||||||||||||
Attributes | att.accidental.performed (@accid.ges) att.note.ges.cmn (@gliss) (att.graced (@grace, @grace.time))
att.note.ges.cmn Gestural domain attributes. | |||||||
Module | MEI.cmn — Specifications | ||||||
Members | att.note.ges[note] | ||||||
Attributes | att.graced (@grace, @grace.time)
att.note.log Logical domain attributes. | |
Module | MEI.shared — Specifications |
Members | note |
Attributes | att.event (att.timestamp.musical (@tstamp)) (att.staffident (@staff)) (att.layerident (@layer)) att.articulation (@artic) att.augmentdots (@dots) att.duration.musical (@dur) att.pitched (att.pitch (@pname)) (att.octave (@oct)) att.syltext (@syl) |
Schematron | Require either pname and oct or loc on a note.
<sch:rule context="mei:note">
<sch:assert test="(@pname and @oct) or @loc">either @pname and @oct or @loc
must be specified on a note.</sch:assert></sch:rule> |
Schematron | Require dur on notes outside chords.
<sch:rule context="mei:note[not(ancestor::mei:chord)]">
<sch:assert test="exists(@dur)">Must have dur attribute.</sch:assert></sch:rule> |
Schematron | Require stem.dir on notes outside chords.
<sch:rule context="mei:note[not(ancestor::mei:chord)]">
<sch:assert test="exists(@stem.dir)">Must have stem.dir attribute.</sch:assert></sch:rule> |
Schematron | Forbid @dur on notes in chords.
<sch:rule context="mei:note[ancestor::mei:chord]">
<sch:report test="exists(@dur)">@dur attribute not permitted on notes within a chord.</sch:report></sch:rule> |
Schematron | Forbid @stem.dir on notes in chords.
<sch:rule context="mei:note[ancestor::mei:chord]">
<sch:report test="@stem.dir">@stem.dir not permitted on notes within a chord.</sch:report></sch:rule> |
att.note.vis Visual domain attributes. | |
Module | MEI.shared — Specifications |
Members | note |
Attributes | att.staffloc (@loc) att.stems (@stem.dir, @stem.len, @stem.mod, @stem.pos, @stem.x, @stem.y) att.typography (@fontfam, @fontname, @fontsize, @fontstyle, @fontweight) |
att.octave Attributes that record written octave. | |||||||
Module | MEI.shared — Specifications | ||||||
Members | att.clef.log[clef] att.pitched[att.note.log[note]] | ||||||
Attributes |
att.ornam.log Logical domain attributes. | |
Module | MEI.shared — Specifications |
Members | ornam |
Attributes | att.controlevent (att.staffident.req (@staff)) (att.timestamp.musical (@tstamp)) (att.layerident (@layer)) att.startendid (@endid) (att.startid (@startid)) att.timestamp2.musical (@tstamp2) |
att.ornam.vis Visual domain attributes. | |
Module | MEI.shared — Specifications |
Members | ornam |
Attributes | att.placement (@place) |
att.pedal.log Logical domain attributes. | |||||||
Module | MEI.cmn — Specifications | ||||||
Members | pedal | ||||||
Attributes | att.controlevent (att.staffident.req (@staff)) (att.timestamp.musical (@tstamp)) (att.layerident (@layer)) att.startendid (@endid) (att.startid (@startid))
att.pedal.vis Visual domain attributes. The place attribute captures the placement of the pedal marking with respect to the staff with which it is associated. Modern publishing standards require the place to be 'below'; however, for transcriptions of manuscript works, this attribute class allows the full range of values. | |||||||
Module | MEI.cmn — Specifications | ||||||
Members | pedal | ||||||
Attributes | att.placement (@place) att.typography (@fontfam, @fontname, @fontsize, @fontstyle, @fontweight)
att.pitch Attributes that record written pitch name. | |||||||
Module | MEI.shared — Specifications | ||||||
Members | att.keySig.log[key keySig] att.pitched[att.note.log[note]] | ||||||
Attributes |
att.pitched Attributes that record written pitch name and octave number. | |
Module | MEI.shared — Specifications |
Members | att.note.log[note] |
Attributes | att.pitch (@pname) att.octave (@oct) |
att.placement Attributes capturing placement information. | |||||||
Module | MEI.shared — Specifications | ||||||
Members | att.dynam.vis[dynam] att.hairpin.vis[hairpin] att.ornam.vis[ornam] att.pedal.vis[pedal] | ||||||
Attributes |
att.quantity Attributes that specify a measurement in numerical terms. | |||||||
Module | MEI.shared — Specifications | ||||||
Members | price | ||||||
Attributes |
att.regularmethod Attributes that describe correction and normalization methods. | |||||||
Module | MEI.header — Specifications | ||||||
Members | correction normalization | ||||||
Attributes |
| Logical domain attributes. | |
Module | MEI.shared — Specifications |
Members | rest |
Attributes | att.duration.musical.req (@dur) att.augmentdots (@dots) att.event (att.timestamp.musical (@tstamp)) (att.staffident (@staff)) (att.layerident (@layer)) | Visual domain attributes. | |
Module | MEI.shared — Specifications |
Members | rest |
Attributes | att.staffloc (@loc) att.typography (@fontfam, @fontname, @fontsize, @fontstyle, @fontweight) |
att.slashcount Attributes for recording the number of slashes that accompany a feature. | |||||||
Module | MEI.shared — Specifications | ||||||
Members | att.mensur.log[mensuration] | ||||||
Attributes |
att.slur.log Logical domain attributes. | |
Module | MEI.cmn — Specifications |
Members | slur |
Attributes | att.spanning.req (att.timestamp.musical (@tstamp)) (att.timestamp2.musical (@tstamp2)) (att.startendid (@endid) (att.startid (@startid)) ) (att.staffident (@staff)) (att.layerident (@layer)) | Logical domain attributes. | |
Module | MEI.shared — Specifications |
Members | space |
Attributes | att.duration.musical.req (@dur) att.augmentdots (@dots) att.event (att.timestamp.musical (@tstamp)) (att.staffident (@staff)) (att.layerident (@layer)) |
att.spanning.musical.req Describing attributes for spanning elements | |
Module | MEI.shared — Specifications |
Members | att.hairpin.log[hairpin] |
Attributes | att.timestamp.musical.req (@tstamp) att.timestamp2.musical.req (@tstamp2) att.staffident (@staff) att.layerident (@layer) |
att.spanning.req Describing attributes for spanning elements | |
Module | MEI.shared — Specifications |
Members | att.slur.log[slur] |
Attributes | att.timestamp.musical (@tstamp) att.timestamp2.musical (@tstamp2) att.startendid (@endid) (att.startid (@startid)) att.staffident (@staff) att.layerident (@layer) |
Schematron | Requires that precisely one of startid or tstamp is defined
<sch:rule context="mei:slur">
<sch:assert test="(@tstamp and not(@startid)) or (not(@tstamp) and @startid)">precisely one of @tstamp or @startid must be defined</sch:assert></sch:rule> |
Schematron | Requires that precisely one of endid or tstamp2 is defined
<sch:rule context="mei:slur">
<sch:assert test="(@tstamp2 and not(@endid)) or (not(@tstamp2) and @endid)">precisely one of @tstamp2 or @endid must be defined</sch:assert></sch:rule> |
att.staffDef.vis Visual domain attributes for staffDef. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Module | MEI.shared — Specifications | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Members | staffDef | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Attributes |
att.staffGrp.vis Visual domain attributes. | |||||||
Module | MEI.shared — Specifications | ||||||
Members | staffGrp | ||||||
Attributes | att.staffgroupingsym (@symbol)
att.staffgroupingsym Attributes that describe the symbol used to group a set of staves. | |||||||
Module | MEI.shared — Specifications | ||||||
Members | att.staffGrp.vis[staffGrp] | ||||||
Attributes |
att.staffident Attributes for identifying the staff associated with the current feature. | |||||||
Module | MEI.shared — Specifications | ||||||
Members | att.event[att.chord.log[chord] att.mRest.log[mRest] att.note.log[note][rest][space] clef] att.spanning.musical.req[att.hairpin.log[hairpin]] att.spanning.req[att.slur.log[slur]] | ||||||
Attributes |
att.staffident.req Make staff required | |||||||
Module | MEI.shared — Specifications | ||||||
Members | att.controlevent[att.accid.log[accid] att.dynam.log[dynam] att.ornam.log[ornam] att.pedal.log[pedal] att.tie.log[tie]] | ||||||
Attributes |
att.staffloc Attributes that identify location on a staff in terms of lines and spaces. | |||||||
Module | MEI.shared — Specifications | ||||||
Members | att.mRest.vis[mRest] att.note.vis[note][rest] | ||||||
Attributes |
att.startendid Attributes recording the identifiers of the first and last elements of a sequence of elements to which the current element is associated. | |||||||||
Module | MEI.shared — Specifications | ||||||||
Members | att.dynam.log[dynam] att.ornam.log[ornam] att.pedal.log[pedal] att.spanning.req[att.slur.log[slur]] att.tie.log[tie] | ||||||||
Attributes | att.startid (@startid)
att.startid Attributes that identify a relative starting point. | |||||||||
Module | MEI.shared — Specifications | ||||||||
Members | att.startendid[att.dynam.log[dynam] att.ornam.log[ornam] att.pedal.log[pedal] att.spanning.req[att.slur.log[slur]] att.tie.log[tie]] | ||||||||
Attributes |
att.stemdir.req | |||||||
Module | MEI.shared — Specifications | ||||||
Members | att.chord.vis[chord] | ||||||
Attributes |
att.stems Attributes that describe the properties of stemmed features; that is, chords and notes. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Module | MEI.shared — Specifications | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Members | att.note.vis[note] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Attributes |
att.syltext Attributes that hold associated sung text syllables. | |||||||
Module | MEI.shared — Specifications | ||||||
Members | att.chord.log[chord] att.note.log[note] | ||||||
Attributes |
att.tie.log Logical domain attributes. | |
Module | MEI.cmn — Specifications |
Members | tie |
Attributes | att.controlevent (att.staffident.req (@staff)) (att.timestamp.musical (@tstamp)) (att.layerident (@layer)) att.startendid (@endid) (att.startid (@startid)) att.timestamp2.musical (@tstamp2) |
att.timestamp.musical Attributes that record a time stamp in terms of musical time, i.e., beats[.fractional beat part]. | |||||||
Module | MEI.shared — Specifications | ||||||
Members | att.controlevent[att.accid.log[accid] att.dynam.log[dynam] att.ornam.log[ornam] att.pedal.log[pedal] att.tie.log[tie]] att.event[att.chord.log[chord] att.mRest.log[mRest] att.note.log[note][rest][space] clef] att.spanning.req[att.slur.log[slur]] | ||||||
Attributes |
att.timestamp.musical.req Required attributes that record a time stamp in terms of musical time, i.e., beats[.fractional beat part]. | |||||||
Module | MEI.shared — Specifications | ||||||
Members | att.spanning.musical.req[att.hairpin.log[hairpin]] | ||||||
Attributes |
att.timestamp2.musical Attributes that record a time stamp for the end of an event in terms of musical time. | |||||||
Module | MEI.shared — Specifications | ||||||
Members | att.dynam.log[dynam] att.ornam.log[ornam] att.spanning.req[att.slur.log[slur]] att.tie.log[tie] | ||||||
Attributes |
att.timestamp2.musical.req Required attributes that record a time stamp for the end of an event in terms of musical time. | |||||||
Module | MEI.shared — Specifications | ||||||
Members | att.spanning.musical.req[att.hairpin.log[hairpin]] | ||||||
Attributes |
att.typed Attributes which can be used to classify or sub-classify features. | |||||||||||||||
Module | MEI.shared — Specifications | ||||||||||||||
Members | altId application change corpName dynam ending geogName hairpin handList mdiv measure ornam pedal periodName persName ptr ref score section slur styleName term termList tie | ||||||||||||||
Attributes |
| ||||||||||||||
Note | When appropriate, values from an established typology should be used. Alternatively, a typology may be defined in the associated MEI header using the <classification> element. If values are to be taken from a project-specific list, this should be defined using the <valList> element in a project-specific schema description. |
att.typography Typographical attributes. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Module | MEI.shared — Specifications | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Members | att.chord.vis[chord] att.mRest.vis[mRest] att.note.vis[note] att.pedal.vis[pedal][rest] rend | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Attributes |
data.ACCIDENTAL.EXPLICIT Accidental attribute values. | |
Module | MEI — Specifications |
Used by | |
Declaration | data.ACCIDENTAL.EXPLICIT = |
Note | ![]() |
data.ACCIDENTAL.IMPLICIT Accidental attribute values. | |
Module | MEI — Specifications |
Used by | |
Legal values are: |
data.ARTICULATION The following list of articulations mostly corresponds to symbols from the Western Musical Symbols portion of the Unicode Standard. The dot and stroke values may be used in cases where interpretation is difficult or undesirable. | |
Module | MEI — Specifications |
Used by | |
Declaration | data.ARTICULATION = |
data.AUGMENTDOT Dots attribute values (number of augmentation dots) (Read, 113-119, ex. 8-21). | |
Module | MEI — Specifications |
Used by | |
Declaration | data.AUGMENTDOT = xsd:nonNegativeInteger { maxInclusive = "4" } |
data.BARRENDITION Renderings of bar lines. Some values correspond to the Western Musical Symbols portion of the Unicode Standard. | |
Module | MEI — Specifications |
Used by | |
Legal values are: |
data.BEAT A beat location, i.e., [0-9]+(\.?[0-9]*)? The value must fall between 0 and the numerator of the time signature + 1, where 0 represents the left bar line and the upper boundary represents the right bar line. For example, in 12/8 the value must be in the range from 0 to 13. | |
Module | MEI — Specifications |
Used by | |
Declaration | data.BEAT = xsd:decimal { minInclusive = "0" } |
data.BEATRPT.REND Visual and performance information for a repeated beat symbol. | |
Module | MEI — Specifications |
Used by | |
Declaration | data.BEATRPT.REND = xsd:positiveInteger { pattern = "4|8|16|32|64|128" } | token { pattern = "mixed" } |
data.BEND.AMOUNT Either an integer value, a decimal value, or a token. Fractional values are limited to .25, .5, .75, while the token value is restricted to 'full'. | |
Module | MEI — Specifications |
Used by | |
Declaration | data.BEND.AMOUNT = xsd:decimal { pattern = "\.25|\.5|\.75" } | xsd:decimal { pattern = "[0-9](\.25|\.5|\.75)?" } | token { pattern = "full" } |
data.BETYPE Datatypes for values in begin, end, abstype and inttype attributes. | |
Module | MEI.shared — Specifications |
Used by | |
Declaration | data.BETYPE = |
data.BOOLEAN Boolean attribute values. | |
Module | MEI — Specifications |
Used by | |
Legal values are: |
data.CLEFLINE Clef line attribute values. The value must be in the range between 1 and the number of lines on the staff. The numbering of lines starts with the lowest line of the staff. | |
Module | MEI — Specifications |
Used by | |
Declaration | data.CLEFLINE = xsd:positiveInteger |
data.CLEFSHAPE Clef shape attribute values (Read, p.53-56). Some values correspond to the Unicode Standard. | |
Module | MEI — Specifications |
Used by | |
Legal values are: |
data.CLUSTER Tone-cluster rendition. | |
Module | MEI — Specifications |
Used by | |
Legal values are: |
data.COLOR A value in one of the following forms is expected: 1) hexadecimal RRGGBB, 2) hexadecimal AARRGGBB, 3) CSS RGB, 4) CSS RGBA, 5) HSL, 6) HSLA, or 7) HTML 4.01 color name. | |
Module | MEI — Specifications |
Used by | |
Declaration | data.COLOR = |
data.COLORNAMES List of HTML 4.01 color names. | |
Module | MEI — Specifications |
Used by | |
Legal values are: |
data.COLORVALUES Parameterized color values | |
Module | MEI — Specifications |
Used by | |
Declaration | data.COLORVALUES = token { pattern = "#[0-9A-Fa-f]{6,6}" } | token { pattern = "#[0-9A-Fa-f]{8,8}" } | token { pattern = "rgb\((\s*(([01]?[0-9]?[0-9])|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])\s*,\s*){2}([01]?[0-9]?[0-9]|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])\s*\)" } | token { pattern = "rgba\(\s*(([01]?[0-9]?[0-9]|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])\s*,\s*){3}(0(\.\d+)?|1(\.0+)?)\s*\)|rgba\(\s*(((\d{1,2})?%|100%)\s*,\s*){2}(\d{1,2}%|100%)\s*,\s*(0(\.\d+)?|1(\.0+)?)\s*\)" } | token { pattern = "hsl\(\s*((\d{1,2})|[12]\d{2}|3[0-5]\d|360)\s*,\s*(\d{1,2}%|100%)\s*,\s*(\d{1,2}%|100%)\s*\)" } | token { pattern = "hsla\(\s*(\d{1,2}|[12]\d{2}|3[0-5]\d|360)\s*,\s*(\d{1,2}%|100%)\s*,\s*(\d{1,2}%|100%)\s*,\s*(0(\.\d+)?|1(\.0+)?)\s*\)" } |
data.DEGREES 360th-unit measure of a circle's circumference; optionally signed decimal number between -360 and 360. | |
Module | MEI — Specifications |
Used by | Element:
Declaration | data.DEGREES = xsd:decimal { maxInclusive = "360.0" minInclusive = "-360.0" } |
data.DURATION Logical, that is, written, duration attribute values. | |
Module | MEI — Specifications |
Used by | |
Declaration | data.DURATION = data.DURATION.cmn | data.DURATION.mensural |
data.DURATION.cmn Logical, that is, written, duration attribute values for the CMN repertoire. | |
Module | MEI.cmn — Specifications |
Used by | |
Legal values are: |
data.DURATION.gestural.pat Pattern for ppq, beats, seconds, etc. | |
Module | MEI — Specifications |
Used by | |
Declaration | data.DURATION.gestural.pat = token { pattern = "[0-9]+(p|(\.[0-9]+)?(b|s))" } |
data.DURATION.gestural.prop Beat proportion representation equivalent to Humdrum **recip. | |
Module | MEI — Specifications |
Used by | |
Declaration | data.DURATION.gestural.prop = token { pattern = "[0-9]+(\.)*r" } |
data.FONTFAMILY Font family (for text) attribute values. Mup-acceptable values: avantgarde, bookman, courier, helvetica, newcentury, palatino, times. | |
Module | MEI — Specifications |
Used by | |
Declaration | data.FONTFAMILY = token |
data.FONTNAME Font name (for text) attribute values. Mup-acceptable values: rom, ital, bold, boldital. | |
Module | MEI — Specifications |
Used by | |
Declaration | data.FONTNAME = token |
data.FONTSTYLE Font style (for text) attribute values. | |
Module | MEI — Specifications |
Used by | |
Legal values are: |
data.FONTWEIGHT Font weight (for text) attribute values. | |
Module | MEI — Specifications |
Used by | |
Legal values are: |
data.GLISSANDO Analytical glissando attribute values. | |
Module | MEI — Specifications |
Used by | |
Legal values are: |
data.GRACE Do grace notes get time from the current (acc) or previous (unacc) one?. | |
Module | MEI — Specifications |
Used by | |
Legal values are: |
data.LAYERSCHEME Indicates how stems should be drawn when more than one layer is present and stem directions are not indicated on the notes/chords themselves. '1' indicates that there is only a single layer on a staff. '2o' means there are two layers with opposing stems. '2f' indicates two 'free' layers; that is, opposing stems will be drawn unless one of the layers has 'space'. In that case, stem direction in the remaining layer will be determined as if there were only one layer. '3o' and '3f' are analogous to '2o' and '2f' with three layers allowed. | |
Module | MEI — Specifications |
Used by | |
Legal values are: |
data.LINEFORM Visual form of a line. | |
Module | MEI — Specifications |
Used by | |
Declaration | data.LINEFORM = |
data.LINESTARTENDSYMBOL Symbol that may begin/end a line. | |
Module | MEI — Specifications |
Used by | |
Declaration | data.LINESTARTENDSYMBOL = |
data.LINESTARTENDSYMBOLSIZE Relative size of symbol that may begin/end a line. | |
Module | MEI — Specifications |
Used by | |
Declaration | data.LINESTARTENDSYMBOLSIZE = xsd:positiveInteger { minInclusive = "1" maxInclusive = "9" } |
data.LINEWIDTH Datatype of line width measurements. | |
Module | MEI — Specifications |
Used by | |
Declaration | data.LINEWIDTH = |
data.LINEWIDTHTERM Relative width of a line. | |
Module | MEI — Specifications |
Used by | |
Declaration | data.LINEWIDTHTERM = |
data.MEASUREBEAT A count of measures plus a beat location, i.e., [0-9]+m\+[0-9]+(\.?[0-9]*)?. The measure count is the number of barlines crossed by the event, while the beat location is a timestamp in the measure where the event ends. For example, dur="1m+3" indicates that the event ends in the next measure on beat 3. The measure number must be in the range of 0 to the number of remaining measures and the beat number must be in the range from 0 to the numerator of the time signature plus 1. For example, for an event starting in the first measure of a piece containing 6 measures in 6/8, the measure number must be between 0 to 5 and the beat number must be within the range from 0 to 7, e.g., "4m+3". The customization makes the measure part mandatory and disallows space characters. | |
Module | MEI — Specifications |
Used by | |
Declaration | data.MEASUREBEAT = token { pattern = "[0-9]+m\+[0-9]+(\.?[0-9]*)?" } |
Example | A valid tstamp2 <slur tstamp="1" tstamp2="0m+2"
xml:id="d036"/> |
Example | An invalid tstamp2 containing spaces <slur tstamp="1" tstamp2="0m + 2"
xml:id="d037"/> |
Example | An invalid tstamp2 lacking a measure value <slur tstamp="1" tstamp2="2" xml:id="d038"/> |
data.MEASUREMENT Measurement expressed in real-world (e.g., centimeters, millimeters, inches, points, picas, or pixels) or virtual units (vu). 'vu' is the default value. | |
Module | MEI — Specifications |
Used by | |
Declaration | data.MEASUREMENT = token { pattern = "(\+|-)?\d+(\.\d+)?(cm|mm|in|pt|pc|px|vu)?" } |
data.MENSURATIONSIGN Mensuration attribute values. | |
Module | MEI — Specifications |
Used by | |
Legal values are: |
data.METERSIGN Meter.sym attribute values for CMN. | |
Module | MEI — Specifications |
Used by | |
Legal values are: |
data.MODE Modes. | |
Module | MEI — Specifications |
Used by | |
Legal values are: |
data.NOTATIONTYPE Notation type and subtype | |
Module | MEI — Specifications |
Used by | |
Declaration | data.NOTATIONTYPE = |
data.NOTEHEADMODIFIER.list Captures any notehead "modifiers"; that is, symbols added to the notehead, such as slashes, lines, text, enclosures, etc. | |
Module | MEI — Specifications |
Used by | |
Declaration | data.NOTEHEADMODIFIER.list = |
data.NOTEHEADMODIFIER.pat Captures text rendered in the center of the notehead. | |
Module | MEI — Specifications |
Used by | |
Declaration | data.NOTEHEADMODIFIER.pat = string { pattern = "centertext\((A|B|C|D|E|F|G)(f|♭|n|♮|s|♯)?\)" } | string { pattern = "centertext\(H(s|♯)?\)" } |
data.OCTAVE Oct attribute values. The default values conform to Acoustical Society of America representation. Read, p. 44. | |
Module | MEI — Specifications |
Used by | |
Declaration | data.OCTAVE = xsd:nonNegativeInteger { maxInclusive = "9" } |
data.PERCENT Positive decimal number plus '%', i.e., [0-9]+(\.?[0-9]*)?\%. | |
Module | MEI — Specifications |
Used by | |
Declaration | data.PERCENT = token { pattern = "[0-9]+(\.?[0-9]*)?%" } |
data.PITCHNAME The pitch names (gamut) used within a single octave. The default values conform to Acoustical Society of America representation. | |
Module | MEI — Specifications |
Used by | |
Declaration | data.PITCHNAME = token { pattern = "[a-g]" } |
data.PITCHNAME.GES Gestural pitch names need an additional value for when the notated pitch is not to be sounded. | |
Module | MEI — Specifications |
Used by | |
Declaration | data.PITCHNAME.GES = token { pattern = "[a-g]|none" } |
data.PITCHNUMBER Pnum (pitch number, e.g. MIDI) attribute values. | |
Module | MEI — Specifications |
Used by | |
Declaration | data.PITCHNUMBER = xsd:nonNegativeInteger |
data.PLACE Location of symbol relative to other notational components. | |
Module | MEI — Specifications |
Used by | |
Legal values are: |
data.ROTATIONDIRECTION Rotation term. | |
Module | MEI — Specifications |
Used by | |
Legal values are: |
data.SLASH The number of slashes to be rendered for tremolandi. | |
Module | MEI — Specifications |
Used by | |
Declaration | data.SLASH = xsd:positiveInteger { minInclusive = "1" maxInclusive = "6" } |
data.STAFFLOC Staff location. The value '0' indicates the bottom line of the current staff; positive values are used for positions above the bottom line and negative values for the positions below. For example, in treble clef, 1 = F4, 2 = G4, 3 = A4, etc. and -1 = D4, -2 = C4, and so on. | |
Module | MEI — Specifications |
Used by | |
Declaration | data.STAFFLOC = xsd:integer |
data.STAFFREL Location of musical material relative to a staff. | |
Module | MEI — Specifications |
Used by | |
Legal values are: |
data.STEMDIRECTION Stem direction. | |
Module | MEI — Specifications |
Used by | |
Declaration | data.STEMDIRECTION = |
data.STEMDIRECTION.basic Common stem directions. | |
Module | MEI — Specifications |
Used by | |
Legal values are: |
data.STEMMODIFIER Stem modification. | |
Module | MEI — Specifications |
Used by | |
Legal values are: |
data.STEMPOSITION Position of a note's stem relative to the head of the note. | |
Module | MEI — Specifications |
Used by | |
Legal values are: |
data.TEXTRENDITION Text rendition values. | |
Module | MEI — Specifications |
Used by | Element:
Declaration | data.TEXTRENDITION = |
data.TEXTRENDITIONLIST Closed list of text rendition values. | |
Module | MEI — Specifications |
Used by | |
Legal values are: |
data.TEXTRENDITIONPAR Parameterized text rendition values. | |
Module | MEI — Specifications |
Used by | |
Declaration | data.TEXTRENDITIONPAR = string { pattern = "(underline|overline|line-through|strike)\(\d+\)" } | string { pattern = "(letter-spacing|line-height)\((\+|-)?\d+(\.\d+)?%?\)" } |
data.URI A Uniform Resource Identifier, see [RFC2396]. | |
Module | MEI — Specifications |
Used by | |
Declaration | data.URI = xsd:anyURI |
data.URI.local A local URI starting with # | |
Module | MEI — Specifications |
Used by | |
Declaration | data.URI.local = token { pattern = "#[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9\-_:\.]*" } |
macro.availabilityPart Groups elements that may appear as part of a description of the availability of and access to a bibliographic item. | |
Module | MEI.header — Specifications |
Used by | |
Declaration | macro.availabilityPart = ( acqSource, ( accessRestrict, price? )* )*, useRestrict?, sysReq? |
macro.bibldescPart Groups manifestation- and item-specific elements that may appear as part of a bibliographic description. | |
Module | MEI.header — Specifications |
Used by | |
Declaration | macro.bibldescPart = editionStmt?, pubStmt?, physDesc*, physLoc*, seriesStmt* |
macro.musicPart Groups elements that may appear as part of the music element. | |
Module | MEI.shared — Specifications |
Used by | |
Declaration | macro.musicPart = model.frontLike?, ( body | group )?, model.backLike? |
Schematron |
<sch:ns prefix="mei"
uri=""/> |